Outdated: Udacity updated this ND a lot.
Recommended time: 4 months, Level: Intermediate, Perequisite: Basic Python
The course recommends the book by Andrew Trask who also gives a lecture within the programm:
- English: Grokking Deep Learning
- German: Neuronale Netze und Deep Learning kapieren: Der einfache Praxiseinstieg mit Beispielen in Python
The Deep Learning Nanodegree program introduces key techniques powering many of the most exciting recent advances in AI. You'll learn about various network architectures and applications, with an emphasis on real-world applications.
- Predicting Bike-Sharing Patterns (Neural Networks)
- Landmark Classification & Tagging for Social Media (Convolutional Neural Networks)
- Generate TV Scripts (Recurrent Neural Networks)
- Generate Faces (Generative Adversarial Networks)
- Deploying a Sentiment Analysis Model (Deploying a Model)