Simple time tracking functionalities within PowerShell. Helps you to track spent time for different activities during your day to day work. Provides rudimentary WPF UI in Windows environment. Allows to start and track multiple tasks at the same time. Rounding up time spent based on the provided increment. Default increment is 30 minutes. After you stop time tracking it provides you the Time Tracking report. Can be used as CLI tool within Windows and Linux environments. In Windows can be used as WPF UI box for more convenient time and activities tracking.
Module is published to PowerShell Gallery. Use the following command to install it:
Install-Module -Name TimeTrackerApp -AllowPrerelease
Generic workflow is to create/adjust configuration file to suit your needs and then start time tracking.
- Create default config file
- Update it if needed
- Start time tracking instance(s)
- View started time tracking instance(s)
- Stop started time tracking instance(s)
New-DefaultConfigFile -Verbose
Get-ConfigFile -Verbose
Start-TimeTracker -Comment "Reading & replying to email" -Technician "Clark Kent"
Get-TimeTracker | select -ExpandProperty Id | Stop-TimeTracker
- Create default config file
- Update it if needed
- Start GUI
New-DefaultConfigFile -Verbose
Get-ConfigFile -Verbose
Please refer to the comment-based help for more information about these commands.
This function is generating default config file used by TimeTracker module. Default config file:
"CircularLogging" : true,
"TimeIncrementMins" : 30,
"OutputFolder": $($env:USERPROFILE),
"OutputFormat": "CSV",
"Technician": ""
New-DefaultConfigFile [-WhatIf] [-Confirm] [<CommonParameters>]
PS > New-DefaultConfigFile -Verbose
VERBOSE: Performing the operation "Create New Config File" on target "DefaultConfig".
VERBOSE: Creating Default Config File
This example creates a default config file using predefined template.
This function is reading existing config file.
Get-ConfigFile [-WhatIf] [-Confirm] [<CommonParameters>]
PS > Get-ConfigFile
CircularLogging : True
OutputFormat : CSV
OutputFolder : C:\Users
TimeIncrementMins : 30
Technician : Mr Test
LoggingLevel : None
Verify validity of the config file
Test-ConfigFile [-ConfigObj] <Object> [-WhatIf] [-Confirm] [<CommonParameters>]
PS> Get-ConfigFile | Test-ConfigFile
Start TimeTracking instance.
Start-TimeTracker [-Comment] <String> [-Technician <String>] [-WhatIf] [-Confirm] [<CommonParameters>]
PS > Start-TimeTracker -Comment "Reading & replying to emails"
Get TimeTracker instance(s).
Get-TimeTracker [-WhatIf] [-Confirm] [<CommonParameters>]
PS > Get-TimeTracker
StartTime Technician Comment Id
--------- ---------- ------- --
2/7/2023 12:56:40 PM Mr Test Reading emails 000e67ec-48b9-4244-8f90-006a0afe3929
This function is stopping TimeTracking instance based on Id.
Stop-TimeTracker [-Guid] <Object> [-WhatIf] [-Confirm] [<CommonParameters>]
PS > Stop-TimeTracker -Guid f73e4c31-1e32-4a83-935c-14ac4bd74302 -Verbose
VERBOSE: Performing the operation "Stopping TimeTracker" on target "'Id: f73e4c31-1e32-4a83-935c-14ac4bd74302'".
VERBOSE: Stopping new TimeTracker Instance.
VERBOSE: Config Exists
VERBOSE: Config has been successfully validated.
VERBOSE: Checking if C:\Users\test\TimeTracker\f73e4c31-1e32-4a83-935c-14ac4bd74302.track exists.
VERBOSE: Id: f73e4c31-1e32-4a83-935c-14ac4bd74302 exists
VERBOSE: TimeTracking stopped: f73e4c31-1e32-4a83-935c-14ac4bd74302
Invoke TimeTracker WPF UI.
Invoke-TimeTracker [-WhatIf] [-Confirm] [<CommonParameters>]
PS > Invoke-TimeTracker