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Implements a security valve based on JWT token: generic HMAC, RSA and OpenID Connect


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This project aims to bring JWT token authentication capabilities into Tomcat 8, implementing an authentication filter as a Tomcat Valve. JWT manipulation is based on java-jwt project.

For Tomcat 7, please use version 1.1.0 or clone tomcat-7 branch.

Valve-based authentication is supposed to work along with Java standard security constraints placed in your web.xml file and will leave your server stateless: with a JWT token you can keep your Tomcat free of http session.

From version 3.0.0, several improvements have been made (with many breaking changes - please refers to release notes). Now you can take advantages of signing and verifying your JWT tokens with:

  • HMAC algorithms, providing a secret text (the legacy approach, available since versions 2.x.x)
  • RSA algorithms, providing a keystore with a public key
  • OpenID Connect (OIDC) JWT ID Tokens are now validated against public keys downloaded from a valid JWKS uri, provided by your OIDC Identity Provider

Getting started

You can download artifacts (1.a) or build the project on your own (1.b), then configure Tomcat and your security constraints in your project to enable authentication system.

Finally, read how to create tokens in your app, if you sign your tokens with HMAC or RSA.

1.a Download artifacts

Download artifacts (project and dependencies), from Maven Central Repo, when using HMAC (HmacJwtTokenValve) or RSA (RsaJwtTokenValve) valves:

If you need to use OpenID Connect valve (OidcJwtTokenValve), you need further dependencies:

Place dependencies into TOMCAT_HOME/lib directory

1.b Build project

You can build with a simple

mvn install

and grab artifacts from target/to-deploy folder. Copy generated artifacts into TOMCAT_HOME/lib directory

2. Register Valve

Now it's time to register the valve. According to your signing method or token provider, from version 3.0.0 you can choose proper valve, according to your scenario:

  • HmacJwtTokenValve: to be used when tokens are signed with HMAC, based on a pre-shared secret text. Configurable parameters are:

    Parameter Type Mandatory Default Description
    secret String Y Passphrase used to verify the token sign. Since HMAC is a sync algorithm, it's also used to recreate and sign the token when updateExpire is true
    updateExpire Boolean N false Each request produces a new token in X-Auth response header with a delayed expire time. This simulates default Servlet HTTP Session behaviour
    cookieName String N Name of the cookie containing JWT token instead of HTTP headers
    customUserIdClaim String N userId Claim that identify the user id
    customRolesClaim String N roles Claim that identify user capabilities


    <Valve className="" 
          secret="my super secret password"
          cookieName="auth" />
  • RsaJwtTokenValve: to be used when tokens are signed with RSA, based on certificates pairs. Configurable parameters are:

    Parameter Type Mandatory Default Description
    keystorePath String Y* Keystore file system path
    keystorePassword String Y* Keystore password
    keyPairsAlias String N the first one in keystore Keys pairs alias in keystore. If not provided, the first public key in keystore will be used
    keyStore Keystore Y** Keystore instance (useful when keystore is in classpath and is java-based configured)
    cookieName String N Name of the cookie containing JWT token instead of HTTP headers
    customUserIdClaim String N userId Claim that identify the user id
    customRolesClaim String N roles Claim that identify user capabilities

    Mandatory groups (*) and (**) are mutually exclusive: keyStore param takes precedence.


    <Valve className="" 
               customRolesClaim="authorities" />
  • OidcJwtTokenValve: to be used when tokens are provided by an OpenID Connect Identity Provider (OIDC IDP). Configurable parameters are:

    Parameter Type Mandatory Default Description
    issuerUrl URL Y URL where to retrieve IDP keys: it's the value of jwks_uri key of .well-known/openid-configuration endpoint provided by your IDP
    supportedAudiences String N Allowed aud values in token. If supportedAudiences is not set, no validation is performed
    expiresIn Integer N 60 Cache duration of keys before recontact IDP for new keys
    customUserIdClaim String N sub Claim that identify the user id
    customRolesClaim String N authorities Claim that identify user capabilities


    <Valve className="" 
              timeUnit="MINUTES" />

Valves can be configured in Tomcat in:

  • server.xml for registering valve at Engine or Host level
  • context.xml for registering valve at application Context level

In order for the valve to work, a realm should be provided. An example for a JDBCRealm can be found on a post on TheJavaGeek

3. Enable security-contraint

All these valves check if requested url is under security constraints. So, valve behaviour will be activated only if your application web.xml file contains something like this:


Please note <auth-method> tag: is set to BASIC in order to avoid HTTP Session creation on server side. If you omit <auth-method> or use another authentication method, Tomcat will create an HTTP session for you, but we want our server stateless!

Now your server is ready. How to generate a token from your app?

How to integrate in your project


HmacJwtTokenValve and RsaJwtTokenValve inherits from an abstract JwtTokenValve that is supposed to search for authentication token according to these priorities:

  • in X-Auth header param
  • in Authorization header param with token preceded by Bearer type
  • in access_token query parameter (useful for downloading a file for example)
  • in a cookie: cookie's name is set by valve parameter cookieName

Your login controller must create a token in order to be validated: each following request to protected application must contain one of the authentication methods above.

You can use classes provided by java-jwt project (recommended), for example:

String token = JWT.create()
       .withArrayClaim("authorities", new String[]{"admin", "devop"})
       .withIssuedAt(new Date())
       .sign(Algorithm.HMAC256("my super secret password"));


response.addHeader(JwtConstants.AUTH_HEADER, token);

or our utility classes such as JwtTokenBuilder or JwtConstants (legacy): tomcat-jwt-security is also available on Maven Central. You can include it in your project as provided dependency (because is in your TOMCAT_HOME/lib folder already!):


And use it like this in your login controller:

String token = JwtTokenBuilder.create(Algorithm.HMAC256("my super secret password"))
                            .roles(Arrays.asList("admin", "devop"))


response.addHeader(JwtConstants.AUTH_HEADER, token);

OpenID Connect

In case of OidcJwtTokenValve, you don't need a login controller, since you are just protecting your APIs as OAuth2 Resource Server. Authentication is handled elsewhere to gather the JWT: just configure the valve and send obtained JWT token in every HTTP header Authorization, preceded by Bearer.

Enjoy now your stateless security system on Tomcat!!

JWT Valve and Spring Boot

If you want to use this Valve with Embedded Tomcat provided by Spring Boot, forget about web.xml or context.xml! Just include as Maven dependency in compile scope and implement a EmbeddedServletContainerCustomizer like this:

public class TomcatJwtSecurityConfig implements EmbeddedServletContainerCustomizer {

    public void customize(ConfigurableEmbeddedServletContainer container) {
        if (container instanceof TomcatEmbeddedServletContainerFactory) {
            TomcatEmbeddedServletContainerFactory factory = (TomcatEmbeddedServletContainerFactory) container;
            factory.addContextValves(new BasicAuthenticator());
            factory.addContextCustomizers(context -> {

                // replace web.xml entries

    private SecurityConstraint unsecured() {
        SecurityCollection collection = new SecurityCollection("login", "login");

        SecurityConstraint securityConstraint = new SecurityConstraint();

        return securityConstraint;

    private SecurityConstraint secured() {
        SecurityCollection collection = new SecurityCollection("api", "api");

        SecurityConstraint securityConstraint = new SecurityConstraint();

        return securityConstraint;

    private HmacJwtProvider newJwtTokenValve() {
        HmacJwtProvider valve = new HmacJwtProvider();
        return valve;
    private Realm newJdbcRealm() {
        // your favourite realm 

Some notes:

  • this is a programmatic version of web.xml configuration (and context.xml)
  • BasicAuthenticator is required because JwtTokenValve is not an authenticator: BasicAuthenticator mainly delegates login phase to registered Realm in Tomcat Context.


Implements a security valve based on JWT token: generic HMAC, RSA and OpenID Connect








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