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Ember-cli-history-mixin Build Status

Ember-cli-history-mixin is a mixin that provides goForward gobackward and goToParent actions to an Ember-CLI application which in turn either navigate one page back or one page forward or in the case of the goToParent action navigate to the parent route where the hierarchy of the router is used as guideline.

Seeing as there is no native ember functionality for keeping track of history most people fall back to using the global window.history object.

Using the window.History object for tracking route transitions in an ember app doesn't come without issues. For example it also includes things like loading states, or edit/new routes both which are undesirable in most applications.

I couldn't find a good ember addon / mixin that would provide a simple goBack and goForward action and therefore decided to write my own.


ember install:addon ember-cli-history-mixin

Which mixin is right for me? routeHistory or parentRoute?

The routeHistory mixin hooks into the willTransition and didTransition methods of the application route in order to listen to route changes. The parentRoute mixin calculates the nearest parent route based on the current route and uses the hierarchy of the router object.

When you need a mixin that keeps track of the history of your application and you need both goForward and goBack actions then I would suggest you use the routeHistory mixin however when you don't need to actively monitor the history of your application and you rather want cancel buttons that navigate to the nearest parent route then the parentRoute mixin will better suit your needs and is also less resource intensive.

The mixins don't conflict with each other so they can be used at the same time.

Using the RouteHistory mixin

This ember-cli addon provides a routeHistory mixin that actively monitors the route changes in your application because of that it needs to be injected in the application-route in order to keep track of all route changes.

import Ember from 'ember';
import RouteHistoryMixin from 'ember-cli-history-mixin/mixins/route-history';

export default Ember.Route.extend(RouteHistoryMixin, {
  //your application-route content

This allows other parts of the application to send the goBack or goForward actions which will be captured in the mixin.


<button id="goBackBtn" {{action "goBack"}}>Back</button>
<button id="goForwardBtn" {{action "goForward"}}>Forward</button>


App.BackButtonComponent = Ember.Component.extend({
  click: function() {

Using the ParentRoute mixin

In addition to the routeHistory mixin This ember-cli addon provides a parentRoute mixin that is less resource intensive and computes the nearest parent route based on the hierarchy of the router object.

Because it doesn't actively monitor the route history, one may choose to only inject the mixin in routes that need the goToParent action, however if you want to use the action application-wide then it's advised to inject the mixin in the application route.

import Ember from 'ember';
import ParentRouteMixin from 'ember-cli-history-mixin/mixins/parent-route';

export default Ember.Route.extend(ParentRouteMixin, {
  //your application-route content

This allows other parts of the application to send the goToParent action which will be captured in the mixin.


<button id="goBackBtn" {{action "goBack"}}>Back</button>
<button id="goForwardBtn" {{action "goForward"}}>Forward</button>


App.BackButtonComponent = Ember.Component.extend({
  click: function() {

Contribution guidelines:

Pulling the project in order to modify or Contribute

  • git clone this repository
  • npm install
  • bower install

Running the demo app

Running Tests

  • ember test
  • ember test --server


  • ember build

For more information on using ember-cli, visit


Ember History mixin that provides goBack / goForward actions






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