Your Swiss Army Knife for Blockchain and Cryptocurrency Operations
Cryptonaut is a powerful command-line tool that provides a comprehensive suite of cryptocurrency and blockchain utilities. Whether you're working with Bitcoin, Ethereum, Cosmos, or exploring cryptographic operations, Cryptonaut has got you covered.
- 🔑 Key Management (Bitcoin & Ethereum)
- 🔐 Multiple Signature Schemes (Schnorr, ECDSA*, BLS*)
- 👛 HD Wallet Support (BIP44)
- 📝 Transaction Management
- 🔗 Blockchain Node Interaction*
- 🎯 Vanity Address Generation*
- 🌳 Merkle Tree Operations*
- ⛏️ PoW Simulation*
(*) Coming soon
go install
Generate a new private key:
# In hex format
cryptonaut generate key
Private key: 18d4998b89bc1cf229c9b729ed39106c23c3dbf0637f89b2384fe3836c4e3247
# In WIF format (for Bitcoin)
cryptonaut generate key --format wif
Private key: Ky4LV32SbdWQv8uDsvtguVFEbxSBSRG1Rk2mz6DDWzb4uTgU9tJg
# For testnet
cryptonaut generate key --format wif --testnet
Private key: cRYDPznKNZPv2JVcYpWQXc6Zfkn68N22S259NqDPNJ4Pe2Nzdm7C
# For Cosmos
cryptonaut generate key --chain cosmos
Private key: 40f7e0554bff74bfa6aaa683a3f4e4d46078ddc2236a6a7d3fa8da3bb935f0c33ebe56d08b3ab805843ad7887943552f2233e25c13599e4c39bd805c69420f3e
Derive addresses:
# Bitcoin address from hex private key
cryptonaut derive address --key 6abd31bf5fe56e1aa5a49b8430a2bcaa276b4cd352b3d7072e89bb9a8a204cc1 --chain bitcoin
Address: 1EjXB4qohumD9Tbk4NMekqCkLz1baWChNW
# Bitcoin address from WIF
cryptonaut derive address --key KzoCR5BTboQXqG9ah8HiHtigrK2DkrpgouYg94m4ZRWiCVEybGoy --chain bitcoin
Address: 1EjXB4qohumD9Tbk4NMekqCkLz1baWChNW
# Cosmos address from hex private key
cryptonaut derive address --key 40f7e0554bff74bfa6aaa683a3f4e4d46078ddc2236a6a7d3fa8da3bb935f0c33ebe56d08b3ab805843ad7887943552f2233e25c13599e4c39bd805c69420f3e --chain cosmos
Address: cosmos1cj0w35dgw33spyyat2c3j2mdm9txkh9r2u9zkk
# Cosmos address from hex private key with custom prefix
cryptonaut derive address --key 40f7e0554bff74bfa6aaa683a3f4e4d46078ddc2236a6a7d3fa8da3bb935f0c33ebe56d08b3ab805843ad7887943552f2233e25c13599e4c39bd805c69420f3e --chain cosmos --cosmos-address-prefix juno
Address: juno1cj0w35dgw33spyyat2c3j2mdm9txkh9ruwxe32
Currently supporting Schnorr signatures:
# Sign a message
cryptonaut sign schnorr --message "hello world" --key '479408efb759a4fcf8f482a45ecc8e6185fbe24ff4ee5deca8d390e4bcddd947'
Signature: 047894e7ca77a4f5597136ac015396ae6098a258c3f918630acd06b0e444485e6630d7179f43f289e4ad5f05f6f424ab15c99b4d11f33c4ab38a664ddef4825a
# Verify a signature
cryptonaut verify schnorr --message "hello world" --pubkey 03d43aa64ab048f935da807d95f8efc7e8f3425c3b4da8f7cffc2721b14a1dd666 --signature 047894e7ca77a4f5597136ac015396ae6098a258c3f918630acd06b0e444485e6630d7179f43f289e4ad5f05f6f424ab15c99b4d11f33c4ab38a664ddef4825a
Generate mnemonic:
cryptonaut generate mnemonic
Mnemonic: genius unique bicycle wood bullet cross economy move bulb canvas nurse extend flight urge account island please people angry length snap foil brick congress
Derive keys:
# For Bitcoin
cryptonaut bip44 bitcoin --mnemonic 'legend rude glance must update smooth fever alone clarify stool harbor dutch swarm casual brisk odor capital good strong ensure wreck hybrid chalk ketchup' --index 0
Private Key: f5b58ecb663dcc8e648876d335804dfe7de8542467746a35b64d9aa7ab260b41
Public Key: 03f93a8a9f7934eb5f60e3dee14d97aefa37d20b51df387f0faf7069be490d1bd1
Address: 1MjFFWJC6L3qzXhDQgNmttad77Qcn8mVyb
# For Ethereum
cryptonaut bip44 ethereum --mnemonic 'legend rude glance must update smooth fever alone clarify stool harbor dutch swarm casual brisk odor capital good strong ensure wreck hybrid chalk ketchup' --index 0
Address: 0x6099f0f046D843d6AD6a7daeC35c55b1D92A8cC8
Decode raw transactions:
- Ethereum
cryptonaut tx decode ethereum f86b01843b9aca00825208941234567890123456789012345678901234567890880de0b6b3a76400008025a0b40bc16dbe93b2fd8698af2cbb2cd10ae64e15a1922d842153cf09fc1f26033da0429b5caf480e7840843f9451bd8f5cbb14f6cebb081dabfe6663c88dbfa56f8b
"hash": "0xc7b6e5e7a83c44651cc0a4ceb33eaeafbb84c7b9f25690443ed3d669a29e0a72",
"nonce": 1,
"gasPrice": "1000000000",
"gas": 21000,
"to": "0x1234567890123456789012345678901234567890",
"value": "1000000000000000000",
"data": "",
"chainId": "1",
"type": 0
- Bitcoin
cryptonaut tx decode bitcoin 010000000134129078563412907856341290785634129078563412907856341290785634120000000000ffffffff0100e1f505000000001976a914bade2cc53d518a756148ca179894efba4089a44888ac00000000
"hash": "a378a99a0a32f789cea579179db4fe697375baa0436adcc053724a07bb254f4e",
"version": 1,
"locktime": 0,
"size": 85,
"inputs": [
"txid": "1234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234",
"vout": 0,
"scriptSig": "",
"sequence": 4294967295
"outputs": [
"value": 100000000,
"scriptPubKey": "76a914bade2cc53d518a756148ca179894efba4089a44888ac"
- ECDSA signature scheme support
- BLS signature scheme support
- Ethereum node interaction (balance checks, transaction broadcasting)
- Bitcoin node interaction (balance checks, transaction broadcasting)
- Vanity address generation
- Smart contract deployment and interaction
- ERC-20 and ERC-721 token operations
- Merkle tree utilities
- Proof-of-Work simulation
- Secure storage for crypto artifacts
- Support for additional blockchain networks
- Advanced transaction building features
- Multi-signature wallet support
- Integration with popular blockchain APIs
- Support for additional signature schemes
Contributions are welcome! Please feel free to submit a Pull Request.