Working in IT of Shanghai.
Handle well language: C, C++, NodeJS, Objective-C.
Knowledge: 编译原理、数据库开发、Socket、全栈开发Nodejs & Vue.
Learning knowledge progress:
- opengl学习 (基础) 20%
- opengl文档 0%
- start210221... cpp-make OpengL Game(thecherno) 20%
- [start2105... 中级软考 0%]
- start2311... learn TeamTalk 5%
- start240325... Learn os with doc 1%
- start231201...done240301 LearnV8 with doc 100%
- [ ] start ... No.js 20%- start231215...done231223 Learn_V8 60%
- start231202... tinywebserver video 0%
- start231121...done231130 tinywebserver doc 100%
- start2306...done2311 learn tinywebserver 100%
- start230603...done230604 cpp-make build_your_own_log doc 100%
- start2304...done2306 cpp-make build_your_own_log 100%
- start230404...done2306 cpp-make build-your-own-redis[1-8] 100%
- start230501...done230528 c-make hash table doc 100%
- start2304...done230430 c-make hash table 100%
- [start2304...]英语学习计划,4级单词修炼 10%
- start230216...done230501 c-make db doc 100%
- start2202...done2210 c-make db 100%
- start230105...done230702 Tinyhttpd doc 100%
- start2212...done2301 Tinyhttpd学习100%
- start221008...done221008 c-make buildyourownshell doc 100%
- start220901...done230206 jslisp doc 100%
- start220831...done221215 js compiler doc 100%
- 考取摩托车证 100%
- start220226...done220508 c-make buildyourownlist doc 100%
- start210731...done220220 c-make buildyourownlist 100%
- [start20210616... start learn c(give up golang)]
- 汇编梳理文档 0%
- 电子电路学习文档 0%
- 管理学
- 《管理的常识》
- 研发管理培训
- 其他管理书籍(请列举)
- 技术
- 《微服务容器化》
- 《编程之美》 20%
- 《Elasticsearch In Action》
- 《数据结构与算法分析》 1%
- 《计算机组成原理》 50%
- 《Beej's Guide to Network Programming》100%
- <小鱼儿汇编>[bilibili.com] 10%
- <凡忆教育-电子电路>[bilibili.com] 50% / doc [50%]
- <esp32学习>[bilibili.com] 90%
- 管理学
- Code
- Sport
- Paint
- Game
- Drive
- 📫 How to reach me: tianxiaoxin001@gmail.com
Earn money about 30,000,000 RMB can make dream happen.
-50% ..................................................
欢迎联系微信: akerdi, 有偿指导以下课程, 达到清晰理解每个知识点(预约时间 - 周末), 欢迎联系, 询问有礼(送试听视频 - 正在录制中,欢迎拍砖):
How to make a basic redis. No yet done the whole project, it only include the user input to cache data by using socket and hashtable technology.
gcc hashtable knowledge.
gcc stack learn basic usage. build your own log.
gcc stack that teaches you how to make a database using b+ tree algorithm, this makes getting items within a logarithm time.
C++ stack that teaches you read user input a lisp language script, then evaluate the request.
Javascript(typescript) stack that teaches you read user input a lisp language script, then evaluate the request.
gcc project that give knowledge about basic http protocol and socket contact within main process and pipe to child process. Main proccess answers user request, and child process execute the repsonse.
gcc build shell that can read user input and evaluate commands.
C++ server, construct with socket and epoll technologies. This repository helps you understand how to use C++ to make an HTTP server.
- 承接C++服务器开发项目,欢迎联系微信: akerdi
- 承接Nodejs前后端开发项目,欢迎联系微信: akerdi
IT years since 2014.2 - now