Inspired by koher/KotlinyJSON and SwiftyJSON/SwiftyJSON
KotlinyJSON is a thin wrapper of org.json in Kotlin, which has similar APIs to SwiftyJSON.
A simple example:
val jsonString = "{\"foo\":[{\"id\": 0}, {\"id\": 1}], \"bar\":{\"baz\": 2}}"
val json = JSON(jsonString)
print(json["bar"]["baz"].int) // prints 2
print(json["foo"][0]["id"].int) // prints 0
print(json["moo"].string) // prints null
More examples to be added soon!
KotlinyJSON has the ability to convert your JSON to an Object and vice versa.
A simple example:
data class User(var id: Long, var name: String)
// ...
val json = JSON("{\"name\":\"Johnny\",\"id\":1234567}")
val user = json.unmarshal(User::class)
print( // prints 1234567
print( // prints "Johnny"
Then, you can convert a user back to JSON:
data class User(var id: Long, var name: String)
// ...
val json = JSON().marshal(user)
print(json["id"].long) // prints 1234567
print(json["name"].string) // prints "Johnny"
This process allows you to easily convert JSON data from APIs into objects for easy manipulation in your code!
More examples to be added soon!
This library can be used in your project through Gradle:
Just add the dependency:
dependencies {
compile 'me.akatkov.kotlinyjson:kotlinyjson:0.3.2'
- more test cases, specifically for List unmarshaling
- specify requirements for classes to be unmarshal'ed such as class passed into unmarshal must have a constructor with parameters that alias all properties to be set in class i.e. excluding @Ignore properties with examples
- make sure all exceptions throw useful error messages for debugging purposes