A caffe implementation of MobileNet-SSD detection network, with pretrained weights on VOC0712 and mAP=0.727.
Network | mAP | Download | Download |
MobileNet-SSD | 72.7 | train | deploy |
- Download SSD source code and compile (follow the SSD README).
- Download the pretrained deploy weights from the link above.
- Put all the files in SSD_HOME/examples/
- Run demo.py to show the detection result.
- You can run merge_bn.py to generate a no bn model, it will be much faster.
- Convert your own dataset to lmdb database (follow the SSD README), and create symlinks to current directory.
ln -s PATH_TO_YOUR_TRAIN_LMDB trainval_lmdb
ln -s PATH_TO_YOUR_TEST_LMDB test_lmdb
- Create the labelmap.prototxt file and put it into current directory.
- Use gen_model.sh to generate your own training prototxt.
- Download the training weights from the link above, and run train.sh, after about 30000 iterations, the loss should be 1.5 - 2.5.
- Run test.sh to evaluate the result.
- Run merge_bn.py to generate your own no-bn caffemodel if necessary.
python merge_bn.py --model example/MobileNetSSD_deploy.prototxt --weights snapshot/mobilenet_iter_xxxxxx.caffemodel
There are 2 primary differences between this model and MobileNet-SSD on tensorflow:
- ReLU6 layer is replaced by ReLU.
- For the conv11_mbox_prior layer, the anchors is [(0.2, 1.0), (0.2, 2.0), (0.2, 0.5)] vs tensorflow's [(0.1, 1.0), (0.2, 2.0), (0.2, 0.5)].
I trained this model from a MobileNet classifier(caffemodel and prototxt) converted from tensorflow. I first trained the model on MS-COCO and then fine-tuned on VOC0712. Without MS-COCO pretraining, it can only get mAP=0.68.
You can run it on Android with my another project rscnn.
从新训练mobilenet-ssd模型 1.不要用gen_model.sh生成的MobileNetSSD_deploy.prototxt和MobileNetSSD_test.prototxt, 这两个文件跟我们的MobileNetSSD_deploy.caffemodel(已经在用的,mAP:54.48%)有一些层名称不一样。
2.finetune的模型用自带的mobilenet_iter_73000.caffemodel, 这个是带bn层的,不要用我们的MobileNetSSD_deploy.caffemodel,这个是去掉了bn层的,不能用来重训练或者说最好不要用来重训练(训练的prototxt要去掉bn层,这样不好)
3.不带bn层的模型和deploy,相应的demo.py中要同时替换原先的netfile和weights文件 root@88dc478cc057:/home/root_work/MobileNet-SSD-new-szj/MobileNet-SSD# python merge_bn.py --model deploy.prototxt --weights snapshot/MobileNetSSD_iter_100.caffemodel
带bn层的话,demo.py中的netfile 用deploy.prototxt, 模型用直接生成的。