cprofilev is a thin wrapper for viewing python's cProfile output. It provides a simple html view of the pstats.Stats object that is generated.
on most UNIX-like systems, you'll probably need to run the following `install` command as root or by using sudo
pip install cprofilev
- Simply pass the cprofile output file as an argument to cprofilev
$ cprofilev /path/to/cprofile/output
- Navigate to http://localhost:4000
$ cprofilev --help usage: cprofilev.py [-h] [--version] [-v] [-p PORT] cprofile_output Thin wrapper for viewing python cProfile output. positional arguments: cprofile_output The cProfile output to view. optional arguments: -h, --help show this help message and exit --version show program's version number and exit -v, --verbose -p PORT, --port PORT specify the port to listen on. (defaults to 4000)
bottle: used for serving the html page.