Antares is monitoring system for HLS and MPEG-DASH. This program is written by golang.
Antares monitors any HLS/MPEG-DASH streams and outputs inspection reports. You can use prepared command or Go interfaces.
go install
antares \
-hls.noEndlist \
-hls.playlistType omitted \
-export \
-export.meta \
-segment.maxBandwidth 500000 \
antares -h
You can use core.Monitor
to monitor your live stream as follows:
config := core.NewConfig("http://localhost/index.m3u8", core.StreamTypeHLS)
config.HLS.Inspectors = []core.HLSInspector{
manages multiple monitors and provides batch update interface.
manager := manager.NewManager(&manager.Config{})
for range time.Tick(time.Minute) {
configs := make(map[string]*core.Config)
for _, stream := range listMyCurrentStreams() {
config := core.NewConfig(stream.URL, stream.StreamType)
configs[stream.ID] = config
added, removed := manager.Batch(configs)
log.Println("added", added)
log.Println("removed:", removed)
Inspector inspects manifest and segment files.
For example, SpeedInspector
checks whether addition speed of segment is appropriate as compared to real time.
Some inspectors are implemented in inspectors/hls
package and inspectors/dash
package for each aims.
Implementing hls.Inspector
or dash.Inspector
interface, you can add your any inspectors to Monitor.
You can set handlers to handle downloaded files, inspection reports, and etc.
And adapters
package has some useful handlers.
config.OnReport = core.MergeOnReportHandlers(
adapters.ReportLogger(&adapters.ReportLogConfig{JSON: true}, os.Stdout),
OnAlarm : func(reports core.Reports) { /* start alarm */ },
OnRecover : func(reports core.Reports) { /* stop alarm */ },
Window : 10,
AlarmIfErrorGreaterThanEqual : 2,
RecoverIfInfoGreaterThanEqual: 10,
func(reports core.Reports) { /* send metrics */ },
- Live
- Event
- On-demand
- Byte range
- Decryption
- I-frame-only playlists
- Live
- Static
- SegmentTimeline
- Open-Ended SegmentTimeline (S@r = -1)
- SegmentBase
- SegmentList
- Only SegmentTemplate (Without SegmentTimeline/SegmentList)
- Multi-Period
- Location
- Decryption
Identifiers for URL templates:
- $$
- IEEE 1003.1 Format Tag