An awesome list of things for the chat application Revolt.
Revolt is a user-first, privacy-friendly chat platform built with modern web technologies.
- Python: - Offical Python library for Revolt
- Node.js: revolt.js - Official Javascript library for Revolt.
- Node.js: better-revolt.js - Un-Official JavaScript/TypeScript library for Revolt.
- C#: Revolt.NET - The .NET library for Revolt with a DOD and OOP design.
- Dart: Dartvolt - Experimental API wrapper for Dart.
- Java: Java Revolt Bridge - The first Java client library for interacting with the Revolt chat platform.
- DiscordBridge - Temporary Discord bridge until first-party support is added.
- Taco - Multi-purpose bot, includes Discord bridge.
- Jan's Bot - Generic Revolt bot made by Jan, includes games like Connect 4 and TicTacToe.
These are not officially endorsed, proceed at your own caution.
- Minecraft: Unofficial Revolt for Fabric - Minecraft-based client for the Revolt chat platform.
- TUI: Revolt.Cli: TUI client for Revolt - Terminal.Gui based CLI client writen in C#.
- Desktop App: QtRevolt - Performant, configurable and simple Revolt client based on QtWebEngine.
- Desktop App: Electron Revolt Client by xFuney - Revolt desktop client built with Electron.
- Mobile App: Rebar - App for Android and iOS written with Flutter.
Contributions of any kind welcome, just follow the guidelines!