pip install these modules
- pandas: data processing
- numpy: linear algebra
- seaborn: data visualization
- matplotlib: data visualization
- re: regular expression
- datetime: manipulate date time types of data
- os: create folders
- PTL: image processing
- wordcloud: word cloud creating
Trending YouTube Video Statistics from Kaggle
Focus on the US dataset
Through analyzing the YouTube trending videos data, I was aiming to answer these questions:
- What types of videos are more likely to be trending?
- Do descriptions or tags matter?
- How long does it take for a video to go viral?
- USvideos.csv
Information about trending videos on YouTube dated from 2017-11-14 to 2018-06-14.
Shape: (40949, 16) - US_category_id.json
Category names
- Data wrangling
- Explorary data analysis
- Data visualization
Includes all images used for word cloud, and output visualizations
My blog on Medium:
Data-Driven Tips to Make aVideo Go Viral on YouTube
This project is under MIT License.