I'm Xianda Guo. PhD at Wuhan University.
- Gait Recognition: GREW(ICCV2021) -> DyGait(ICCV2023) -> GaitCI(T-CSVT) -> SPOSGait(T-PAMI)
- π Depth Estimation: MonoViT(3DV2022)
-> CompletionFormer(CVPR2023)
-> DiffusionDepth(ECCV2024)
-> SSDepth
- π Stereo Matching: OpenStereo
-> LightStereo
(ICRA2025) -> StereoAnything
- π End-to-End Driving: MaskFuser -> GenAD(ECCV2024)
- π LLM&MLLM: InstructDriver
-> DriveMLLM
π Autonomous Driving
- π Stereo Matching
- π End-to-End Driving
If you want to work with me (in person or remotely), please email me at xianda_guo@163.com. I could support GPUs if we are a good fit.