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damldocs: Backend for rendering docs to multiple pages. (digital-asse…
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* Begin multi-page rendering

* Fixed multi-file output rendering for HTML

* Remove renderSimpleHtml

* Remove unnecessary imports

* Remove unused lang extensions

* Address reviewer comments
  • Loading branch information
Fran authored Jul 23, 2019
1 parent d306814 commit d0dd201
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Showing 9 changed files with 227 additions and 59 deletions.
20 changes: 20 additions & 0 deletions compiler/damlc/BUILD.bazel
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -266,6 +266,26 @@ genrule(
visibility = ["//visibility:public"],

name = "daml-base-html-docs",
srcs = [
outs = ["daml-base-html.tar.gz"],
cmd = """
$(location //compiler/damlc) -- docs \
--output=daml-base-html \
--input-format=json \
--format=Html \
$(location :daml-stdlib.json) $(location :daml-prim.json)
tar czf $(OUTS) daml-base-html
tools = ["//compiler/damlc"],
visibility = ["//visibility:public"],

name = "daml-stdlib-doctest",
srcs = ["//compiler/damlc/daml-stdlib-src"],
Expand Down
17 changes: 10 additions & 7 deletions compiler/damlc/daml-doc/src/DA/Daml/Doc/Driver.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -72,11 +72,14 @@ damlDocDriver cInputFormat ideOpts output cFormat prefixFile options files = do

case cFormat of
Json -> write output $ T.decodeUtf8 . BS.toStrict $ AP.encodePretty' jsonConf docData
Rst -> write output . renderFinish . mconcat $ map renderSimpleRst docData
Rst -> write output . renderPage . mconcat $ map renderSimpleRst docData
Hoogle -> write output . T.concat $ map renderSimpleHoogle docData
Markdown -> write output . renderFinish . mconcat $ map renderSimpleMD docData
Html -> sequence_
[ write (output </> hyphenated (unModulename md_name) <> ".html") $ renderSimpleHtml m
| m@ModuleDoc{..} <- docData ]
where hyphenated = T.unpack . T.replace "." "-"
putStrLn "Done"
Markdown -> write output . renderPage . mconcat $ map renderSimpleMD docData
Html -> do
let renderOptions = RenderOptions
{ ro_mode = RenderToFolder output
, ro_format = Html
, ro_title = Nothing
, ro_template = Nothing
renderDocs renderOptions docData
99 changes: 79 additions & 20 deletions compiler/damlc/daml-doc/src/DA/Daml/Doc/Render.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -5,49 +5,108 @@

module DA.Daml.Doc.Render
( DocFormat(..)
, renderFinish
, RenderOptions(..)
, RenderMode(..)
, renderDocs
, renderPage
, renderSimpleRst
, renderSimpleMD
, renderSimpleHtml
, renderSimpleHoogle
, jsonConf
) where

import DA.Daml.Doc.Render.Types
import DA.Daml.Doc.Render.Monoid
import DA.Daml.Doc.Render.Rst
import DA.Daml.Doc.Render.Markdown
import DA.Daml.Doc.Render.Hoogle
import DA.Daml.Doc.Types

import Data.Maybe
import Data.List.Extra
import Data.Foldable
import System.Directory
import System.FilePath

import qualified CMarkGFM as GFM
import qualified Data.Aeson.Encode.Pretty as AP
import qualified Data.Text as T
import qualified Data.Text.Lazy as TL
import qualified Text.Blaze.Html5 as H
import qualified Text.Blaze.Html.Renderer.Text as H
import qualified Data.Text.Encoding as T
import qualified Data.ByteString as BS
import qualified Data.Map.Strict as Map

-- | centralised JSON configuration for pretty-printing
jsonConf :: AP.Config
jsonConf = AP.Config (AP.Spaces 2) (AP.keyOrder ["id"]) AP.Generic True

renderDocs :: RenderOptions -> [ModuleDoc] -> IO ()
renderDocs RenderOptions{..} mods = do
let (renderModule, postProcessing) =
case ro_format of
Json -> (const (renderLine ""), id) -- not implemented (yet?)
Hoogle -> (const (renderLine ""), id) -- not implemented (yet?)
Rst -> (renderSimpleRst, id)
Markdown -> (renderSimpleMD, id)
Html -> (renderSimpleMD, GFM.commonmarkToHtml [GFM.optUnsafe] [GFM.extTable])
template = fromMaybe (defaultTemplate ro_format) ro_template

case ro_mode of
RenderToFile path -> do
BS.writeFile path
. T.encodeUtf8
. renderTemplate template
(fromMaybe "Package Docs" ro_title)
. postProcessing
. renderPage
$ mconcatMap renderModule mods

RenderToFolder path -> do
let renderMap = Map.fromList
[(md_name mod, renderModule mod) | mod <- mods]
outputMap = renderFolder renderMap
extension =
case ro_format of
Json -> "json"
Hoogle -> "txt"
Markdown -> "md"
Rst -> "rst"
Html -> "html"

outputPath mod = path </> moduleNameToFileName mod <.> extension
pageTitle mod = T.concat
[ maybe "" (<> " - ") ro_title
, "Module "
, unModulename mod ]

-- TODO rendering structures closely resembles each other. Could share code and
-- use a common typeclass if need be (unsure about ROI so far).
createDirectoryIfMissing True path
for_ (Map.toList outputMap) $ \ (mod, renderedOutput) -> do
BS.writeFile (outputPath mod)
. T.encodeUtf8
. renderTemplate template (pageTitle mod)
. postProcessing
$ renderedOutput

data DocFormat = Json | Rst | Markdown | Html | Hoogle
deriving (Eq, Show, Read, Enum, Bounded)

renderTemplate ::
T.Text -- ^ template
-> T.Text -- ^ page title
-> T.Text -- ^ page body
-> T.Text
renderTemplate template pageTitle pageBody
= T.replace "__BODY__" pageBody
. T.replace "__TITLE__" pageTitle
$ template

-- | Html renderer, using cmark-gfm
renderSimpleHtml :: ModuleDoc -> T.Text
renderSimpleHtml m@ModuleDoc{..} =
wrapHtml t $ GFM.commonmarkToHtml [] [GFM.extTable] $ renderFinish $ renderSimpleMD m
where t = "Module " <> unModulename md_name
defaultTemplate :: DocFormat -> T.Text
defaultTemplate = \case
Html -> defaultTemplateHtml
_ -> "__BODY__"

wrapHtml :: T.Text -> T.Text -> T.Text
wrapHtml pageTitle body =
let html = do
H.head (H.title $ H.toHtml pageTitle)
H.body $ H.preEscapedToHtml body
in TL.toStrict $ H.renderHtml html
defaultTemplateHtml :: T.Text
defaultTemplateHtml = T.unlines
[ "<html>"
, "<head><title>__TITLE__</title><meta charset=\"utf-8\"></head>"
, "<body>__BODY__</body>"
, "</html>"
12 changes: 9 additions & 3 deletions compiler/damlc/daml-doc/src/DA/Daml/Doc/Render/Markdown.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -197,9 +197,15 @@ type2md env = f 0
link :: Maybe Anchor -> Typename -> T.Text
link Nothing n = escapeMd $ unTypename n
link (Just anchor) n =
if renderAnchorAvailable env anchor
then T.concat ["[", escapeMd $ unTypename n, "](#", unAnchor anchor, ")"]
else escapeMd $ unTypename n
case lookupAnchor env anchor of
Nothing -> escapeMd $ unTypename n
Just anchorLoc -> T.concat
[ "["
, escapeMd $ unTypename n
, "]("
, anchorRelativeHyperlink anchorLoc anchor
, ")"

fct2md :: FunctionDoc -> RenderOut
fct2md FunctionDoc{..} = mconcat
Expand Down
91 changes: 69 additions & 22 deletions compiler/damlc/daml-doc/src/DA/Daml/Doc/Render/Monoid.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -5,56 +5,103 @@

-- | Monoid with which to render documentation.
module DA.Daml.Doc.Render.Monoid
( module DA.Daml.Doc.Render.Monoid
) where
( module DA.Daml.Doc.Render.Monoid
) where

import DA.Daml.Doc.Types
import Control.Monad
import Data.Foldable
import System.FilePath
import qualified Data.Map.Strict as Map
import qualified Data.Set as Set
import qualified Data.Text as T

-- | Environment in which to generate final documentation.
newtype RenderEnv = RenderEnv (Set.Set Anchor)
deriving newtype (Semigroup, Monoid)
data RenderEnv = RenderEnv
{ lookupAnchor :: Anchor -> Maybe AnchorLocation
-- ^ get location of anchor relative to render output, if available

-- | Is the anchor available in the rendering environment? Renderers should avoid
-- generating links to anchors that don't actually exist.
-- One reason an anchor may be unavailable is because of a @-- | HIDE@ directive.
-- Another possibly reason is that the anchor refers to a definition in another
-- package (and at the moment it's not possible to link accross packages).
renderAnchorAvailable :: RenderEnv -> Anchor -> Bool
renderAnchorAvailable (RenderEnv anchors) anchor = Set.member anchor anchors
-- | Location of an anchor relative to the output being rendered. An anchor
-- that lives on the same page may be rendered differently from an anchor
-- that lives in the same folder but a different page, and that may be
-- rendered differently from an anchor that is external. Thus we can
-- handle every case correctly.
data AnchorLocation
= SameFile -- ^ anchor is in same file
| SameFolder FilePath -- ^ anchor is in a file within same folder
-- TODO: | External URL -- ^ anchor is in on a page at the given URL

-- | Build relative hyperlink from anchor and anchor location.
anchorRelativeHyperlink :: AnchorLocation -> Anchor -> T.Text
anchorRelativeHyperlink anchorLoc (Anchor anchor) =
case anchorLoc of
SameFile -> "#" <> anchor
SameFolder fileName -> T.concat [T.pack fileName, "#", anchor]

-- | Renderer output. This is the set of anchors that were generated, and a
-- list of output functions that depend on that set. The goal is to prevent
-- list of output functions that depend on RenderEnv. The goal is to prevent
-- the creation of spurious anchors links (i.e. links to anchors that don't
-- exist).
-- (In theory this could be done in two steps, but that seems more error prone
-- than building up both steps at the same time, and combining them at the
-- end, as is done here.)
-- exist), and link correctly any anchors that do appear.
-- Using a newtype here so we can derive the semigroup / monoid instances we
-- want automatically. :-)
newtype RenderOut = RenderOut (RenderEnv, [RenderEnv -> [T.Text]])
newtype RenderOut = RenderOut (Set.Set Anchor, [RenderEnv -> [T.Text]])
deriving newtype (Semigroup, Monoid)

renderFinish :: RenderOut -> T.Text
renderFinish (RenderOut (xs, fs)) = T.unlines (concatMap ($ xs) fs)
-- | Render a single page doc. Any links to anchors not appearing on the
-- single page will be dropped.
renderPage :: RenderOut -> T.Text
renderPage (RenderOut (localAnchors, renderFns)) =
T.unlines (concatMap ($ renderEnv) renderFns)
lookupAnchor :: Anchor -> Maybe AnchorLocation
lookupAnchor anchor
| Set.member anchor localAnchors = Just SameFile
| otherwise = Nothing
renderEnv = RenderEnv {..}

-- | Render a folder of modules.
renderFolder :: Map.Map Modulename RenderOut -> Map.Map Modulename T.Text
renderFolder fileMap =
let globalAnchors = Map.fromList
[ (anchor, moduleNameToFileName moduleName <.> "html")
| (moduleName, RenderOut (anchors, _)) <- Map.toList fileMap
, anchor <- Set.toList anchors
in flip fileMap $ \(RenderOut (localAnchors, renderFns)) ->
let lookupAnchor anchor = asum
[ SameFile <$ guard (Set.member anchor localAnchors)
, SameFolder <$> Map.lookup anchor globalAnchors
renderEnv = RenderEnv {..}
in T.unlines (concatMap ($ renderEnv) renderFns)

moduleNameToFileName :: Modulename -> FilePath
moduleNameToFileName = T.unpack . T.replace "." "-" . unModulename

-- | Declare an anchor for the purposes of rendering output.
renderDeclareAnchor :: Anchor -> RenderOut
renderDeclareAnchor anchor = RenderOut (RenderEnv $ Set.singleton anchor, [])
renderDeclareAnchor anchor = RenderOut (Set.singleton anchor, [])

-- | Render a single line of text. A newline is automatically
-- added at the end of the line.
renderLine :: T.Text -> RenderOut
renderLine l = renderLines [l]

-- | Render multiple lines of text. A newline is automatically
-- added at the end of every line, including the last one.
renderLines :: [T.Text] -> RenderOut
renderLines ls = renderLinesDep (const ls)

-- | Render a single line of text that depends on the rendering environment.
-- A newline is automatically added at the end of the line.
renderLineDep :: (RenderEnv -> T.Text) -> RenderOut
renderLineDep f = renderLinesDep (pure . f)

-- | Render multiple lines of text that depend on the rendering environment.
-- A newline is automatically added at the end of every line, including the
-- last one.
renderLinesDep :: (RenderEnv -> [T.Text]) -> RenderOut
renderLinesDep f = RenderOut (mempty, [f])

Expand Down
13 changes: 10 additions & 3 deletions compiler/damlc/daml-doc/src/DA/Daml/Doc/Render/Rst.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -209,9 +209,16 @@ type2rst env = f 0
link :: Maybe Anchor -> Typename -> T.Text
link Nothing n = unTypename n
link (Just anchor) n =
if renderAnchorAvailable env anchor
then T.concat ["`", unTypename n, " <", unAnchor anchor, "_>`_"]
else unTypename n
case lookupAnchor env anchor of
Nothing -> unTypename n
Just SameFile ->
T.concat ["`", unTypename n, " <", unAnchor anchor, "_>`_"]
-- local indirect link
Just (SameFolder _) ->
T.concat ["`", unTypename n, " <", unAnchor anchor, "_>`_"]
-- surprisingly this still works in Rst, and has the advantage of
-- letting Sphinx be a second line of defense against spurious
-- links, over generating an external link here.

fct2rst :: FunctionDoc -> RenderOut
fct2rst FunctionDoc{..} = mconcat
Expand Down
26 changes: 26 additions & 0 deletions compiler/damlc/daml-doc/src/DA/Daml/Doc/Render/Types.hs
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@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
-- Copyright (c) 2019 Digital Asset (Switzerland) GmbH and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
-- SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0

-- | Types common to DA.Daml.Doc.Render
module DA.Daml.Doc.Render.Types
( module DA.Daml.Doc.Render.Types
) where

import qualified Data.Text as T

data DocFormat = Json | Rst | Markdown | Html | Hoogle
deriving (Eq, Show, Read, Enum, Bounded)

-- | Control whether to render docs as a single file, or as
-- an interlinked folder of many files, one per DAML module.
data RenderMode
= RenderToFile FilePath -- ^ render to single file
| RenderToFolder FilePath -- ^ render to folder, one file per module

-- | Options that affect rendering.
data RenderOptions = RenderOptions
{ ro_mode :: RenderMode -- ^ control single file / multi file rendering
, ro_format :: DocFormat -- ^ renderer output format
, ro_title :: Maybe T.Text -- ^ title of rendered documentation
, ro_template :: Maybe T.Text -- ^ renderer template
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -258,8 +258,8 @@ renderTest format (name, input) expected =
renderer = case format of
Json -> error "Json encoder testing not done here"
Rst -> renderFinish . renderSimpleRst
Markdown -> renderFinish . renderSimpleMD
Rst -> renderPage . renderSimpleRst
Markdown -> renderPage . renderSimpleMD
Html -> error "HTML testing not supported (use Markdown)"
Hoogle -> error "Hoogle doc testing not yet supported."
output = T.strip $ renderer input
Expand Down
4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions compiler/damlc/daml-doc/test/DA/Daml/GHC/Damldoc/Tests.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -284,8 +284,8 @@ fileTest damlFile = do
let extension = takeExtension expectation
ref <- T.readFileUtf8 expectation
case extension of
".rst" -> expectEqual extension ref $ renderFinish $ renderSimpleRst docs
".md" -> expectEqual extension ref $ renderFinish $ renderSimpleMD docs
".rst" -> expectEqual extension ref $ renderPage $ renderSimpleRst docs
".md" -> expectEqual extension ref $ renderPage $ renderSimpleMD docs
".json" -> expectEqual extension ref
(T.decodeUtf8 . BS.toStrict $
AP.encodePretty' jsonConf docs)
Expand Down

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