Api for the Bid App Web
- POST:login - return the user and a JWT token (this authentication is just for development purposes, need a great refactor and a better treatment on JWT options)
- GET:user : returns the user, requires token
- PATCH:user/autobid - sets the autobid function on/off, requires token
- PATCH:user/config - change the values of the autobid config, requires token
- GET:products - return all the products, requires token
- GET:products/:id - return the product from id, requires token
- PATCH:products/:id/bid - create a new bid and emit a event that will be heard for making the bot autobids on this product, requires token
Clone this repo and run:
npm i
Use the .env.example as a example of .env file of your own
Run the script dev
The app will be listening on Port 4000
Run the script build
This will do tsc
in your application, every .ts file will have a corresponding .js file
After building, run server
** Maybe you`ll need to refact the PORT for a environment variable, the project already has the dovenv in it