🕹️ I’m currently working on MangoKart, a 3D game and graphics engine built from pure scratch (bare metal) on the RISC-V powered Mango Pi.
🌱 I’m currently studying computer graphics, embedded systems, robotics, deep learning, and mathematics
🦼 I really enjoyed working on the Gaze-to-Life Eye Controlled Wheelchair for Paralysed People
🎥 Something else cool I've built lets me add text to videos programmatically
💬 Ask me about robotics, design, or photography
📫 Reach me at asanshay@stanford.edu
📄 See my resumé here
📎 Connect with me on LinkedIn
C, C++, Java, JavaScript, Dart, Python, Swift, HTML, CSS, RISC-V Assembly, PHP, SQL
Flutter, React, React Native, Node.js, Express, Flask, OpenCV, TensorFlow, mySQL, Bash scripts, Sketch, Arduino, Raspberry Pi using Raspbian, Mango Pi from bare metal, Docker, Firebase, AWS