Welcome to the OpenCV Face Recognition repository. OpenCV Face Recognition product offers world-class face recogition ranked top 10 in NIST FRVT, powered by Seventh Sense.
We provide Python SDK (Jupyter notebook), C++ SDK, RESTful API, Flutter app code which can be integrated with the OpenCV Face Recognition (FR) API. Try Demo here.
To use the OpenCV Face Recognition Python SDK, C++ SDK, RESTful API, first register an account at the OpenCV Face Recognition Developer Portal.
After registering, you can find your Developer Key on the Dashboard once you log in.
You will need your Developer Key to use Python SDK/C++ SDK/RESTful API
We highly recommend that you use Google Colab notebook while familiarizing yourself with our APIs, and planning the UI for your own users.
To install and run the OpenCV Face Recogition Mobile App, follow steps below:
Upon install successfully, you can login with the same OpenCV FR account explore the app features.
Pull the Project from the Repository:
Navigate to the develop branch of the project repository. Clone the repository to your local machine using your preferred method (e.g., HTTPS, SSH, or GitHub CLI).
Open the Terminal:
Open your terminal or command prompt. Navigate to the cloned project directory. Run the Following Commands:
Generate Localization Files:
flutter gen-l10n
This command generates the necessary localization files for the application, allowing it to be translated into multiple languages.
Fetch Dependencies:
flutter pub get
This command fetches and installs all the required dependencies for the project, ensuring that the application is ready to be built and run.
Run the Application:
flutter run
This command builds and runs the Seveenthsense application on your connected device or emulator.
During the build and run process, Flutter will automatically handle the necessary steps, such as compiling the Dart code, packaging the assets, and launching the application.
Running the App
Using Visual Studio Code
Open the project in VSCode.
Connect an Android device or start an Android emulator.
Run the following command to build and install the app on the connected device or emulator:
`flutter run`
Using Android Studio
Open the project in Android Studio.
Select the appropriate device (either a connected Android device or a simulator).
Click the "Run" button to build and install the app.
Connect an iOS device or start an iOS simulator.
Open the project in Xcode by running the following command:
open -a Xcode ios/Runner.xcworkspace
In Xcode, select the appropriate device or simulator, and click the "Run" button to build and install the app.
If you have questions or face difficulties, email: support@seventhsense.ai