A PDBQT-to-MOL2 Converter. It takes in a PDBQT file as an input and converts it into a Mol2 file, without needing any reference to mol2 source files.
It's a bit tricky to run. Initailly, we need to install OpenBabel, and Cinfony, in a conda activated environment. Open terminal, and use the following commands
"pip install cinfony-dist" -> Used to install Cinfony
"pip install openbabel" -> Used to install OpenBabel
In case if the 2nd command fails to install the OpenBabel Module, please use a conda activated environment, and use the following command
"conda install -c openbabel openbabel"
To run this script, it is necessary to install both modules. This script is in ".ipnyb" format. You'll need Jupyter to run this script.