Most of the functionality is in
When running it, the user is presented with a simple terminal. Arguments are currently delimited by a comma in the terminal to allow for names that include spaces. Type "help" to get a list of the currently supported commands.
The terminal right now allows users to create specific shops, generate random shops in a region, add new shop regions, add items to shop regions, and enter shops and buy and sell specific items
Because everything is saved in JSON format, you can go into the text file and edit the parameters, and as long as the format is maintained, it will change in the program when you restart it
this also means you can use all save data as JSON objects
If you need to add items, then under "Scripts" there is an item adder script that can be used currently
added the ability to add items through the terminal!
- Remove shops, remove items from shops, remove regions, and remove items from regions
- Rename Shops
- add update shops to randomly update and change shops
- Add better comments
- Add more documentation :D