A crossplatform BMS player, powered by Unreal Engine 5. Planned to be migrated to OpenBMS
- Android
- iOS
- Windows
- macOS
- Linux (coming soon)
- Super-fast multithreaded BMS parsing
- BGA playback for all platforms (via ffmpeg transcoding)
- Touch input on mobile devices
- Independent input thread (currently, only for macOS and Windows)
- Parser
- BMSON support
- PMS support
- Custom random seed support
- Gameplay
- Groove Gauge
- Play options (HI-SPEED, LIFT, SUDDEN, LNMODE, etc.)
- Result screen
- Key bomb effect
- Image sequence BGA support
- Classic 2D VSRG gear for desktop
- Course play
- Touch input options (flick-to-scratch, virtual controller, etc.)
- Additional features
- Replay
- In-game chart viewer
- Custom skin support
- ASIO support
- Add free audio library (OpenAL?)
- Controller support
- Miscellaneous
- Consider implementing vlc-for-unreal to play BGA without transcoding
Due to Android's scope storage policy, iBMSUnreal cannot read arbitrary BMS folders. So there's two ways you can import BMS files:
- Open zip file with iBMSUnreal: the app will unzip the file to its data folder.
- Connect the phone to your PC
- If you want to import unzipped files, copy files into Android/data/com.YourCompany.iBMSUnreal/files/BMS (this method is super slow if you have a large number of files)
- If you want to import zip files, copy files into Android/data/com.YourCompany.iBMSUnreal/files/imported
- Open Files app
- Put your BMS folder under iBMSUnreal/BMS
Simply run the game and select your BMS folder in the dialog.
Although iBMSUnreal is licensed under GPLv3.0, it includes non-free GPL-incompatible libraries like fmod. We are planning to address this issue by supporting free audio library as an alternative.