A basic Rock Paper Scissors game.
Revision history:
2 July 2018 @18:10: Created and tested function computerPlay(). This function randomly returns Rock, Paper, or Scissors.
4 July 2018 @20:38: Created function playRound(), which plays one round of the game.
5 July 2018 @23:20: Modified function playRound() to be somewhat shorter. Added helper function capitalize(). Added function playerPlay(). Bug: Illegal input results in a win; exception handling not working.
6 July 2018 @16:18: Added function game(), which executes playRound() five times, and shows round number and weapons.
6 July 2018 @19:58: Added score counter and final result to game(). It should be a separate function, but it wouldn't work properly.
6 July 2018 @21:52: Added exception handling to playerPlay(). The player is now alerted when they input anything other than (case-insensitive) Rock, Paper, or Scissors. The player forfeits if they press Cancel.