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Born-Again Multi-task Networks

This directory contains code for BAM! Born-Again Multi-task for Natural Language Understanding. It supports TPU-friendly multi-task fine-tuning of BERT (optionally) combined with knowledge distillation.


See requirements.txt


  1. Create a directory BAM_DIR to contain training data, model checkpoints, etc.
  2. Download pre-trained BERT weights from here and unzip them under $BAM_DIR/pretrained_models. By default, the uncased base-sized model is expected (i.e., you should have .
  3. Download the GLUE data by running this script. Set up the data by running mv CoLA cola && mv MNLI mnli && mv MRPC mrpc && mv QNLI qnli && mv QQP qqp && mv RTE rte && mv SST-2 sst && mv STS-B sts && mv diagnostic/diagnostic.tsv mnli && mkdir -p $BAM_DIR/glue_data && mv * $BAM_DIR/glue_data.

Training and evaluating models

Run training/evaluation with python -m bam.run_classifier <model_name> <bam_dir> <hparams> where <hparams> is JSON containing hyperparameters, which tasks to train on, etc. See for details on the available options. Here are some example commands (run from the top-level google_research directory):

  • Debug run (trains a tiny model, takes around a minute): python -m bam.run_classifier debug-model $BAM_DIR '{"debug": true}'
  • Train single-task models on the RTE and MRPC datasets: python -m bam.run_classifier rte-model $BAM_DIR '{"task_names": ["rte"]}' and python -m run_classifier mrpc-model $BAM_DIR '{"task_names": ["mrpc"]}'
  • Train a multi-task model on the RTE and MRPC datasets: python -m bam.run_classifier rte-mrpc-model $BAM_DIR '{"task_names": ["rte", "mrpc"]}'
  • Train a BAM model for the RTE and MRPC datasets (requires that single-task models have been trained): python -m bam.run_classifier rte-mrpc-bam-model $BAM_DIR '{"task_names": ["rte", "mrpc"], "distill": true, "teachers": {"rte": "rte-model", "mrpc": "mrpc-model"}}'

Training a large model on GPU may cause out-of-memory issues, in which case you can decrease the batch size/learning rate, e.g:

  • python -m bam.run_classifier rte-mrpc-bam-model $BAM_DIR '{"task_names": ["rte", "mrpc"], "distill": true, "train_batch_size": 64, "learning_rate": 5e-5, "teachers": {"rte": "rte-model", "mrpc": "mrpc-model"}}'


If you use this code for your publication, please cite the original paper:

  title = {BAM! Born-Again Multi-Task Networks for Natural Language Understanding},
  author = {Kevin Clark and Minh-Thang Luong and Christopher D. Manning and Quoc V. Le},
  booktitle = {ACL},
  year = {2019}
