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Randy1005 committed Apr 2, 2024
1 parent c3fcffb commit e097fbd
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Showing 9 changed files with 701 additions and 110 deletions.
Binary file added examples/exp/exp
Binary file not shown.
73 changes: 73 additions & 0 deletions examples/exp/exp.cpp
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,73 @@
#include <ink/ink.hpp>

int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {
if (argc != 5) {
<< "usage: ./Ink [graph_ops_file] [output_file] [#paths] [#iterations]\n";

ink::Ink i1, i2;
i1.read_ops(argv[1], argv[2]);
i2.read_ops(argv[1], argv[2]);
size_t k = std::stoul(argv[3]);
size_t num_iters = std::stoul(argv[4]);

std::cout << "# paths = " << k << '\n';
std::cout << "# iters = " << num_iters << '\n';

i1.report_incsfxt(k, true, false);
i2.report_incsfxt(k, true, false);

size_t sfxt_update_accum1{0};
size_t sfxt_update_accum2{0};
size_t pfxt_expansion_accum1{0};
size_t pfxt_expansion_accum2{0};
std::ofstream ofs1("multi-iter-exp-i1.txt");
std::ofstream ofs2("multi-iter-exp-i2.txt");
ofs1 << "iteration runtime\n";
ofs2 << "iteration runtime\n";

std::vector<float> c1;
std::vector<float> c2;
std::ofstream ofsf("full-costs"), ofsi("ink-costs");

for (size_t it = 0; it < num_iters; it++) {
std::uniform_int_distribution<size_t> distr(0, i1.num_verts() - 1);
size_t vid = distr(i1.rng);

// full cpg mode
i1.modify_vertex(vid, 0.025f);
i1.report_rebuild(k, false);
c1 = i1.get_path_costs();
sfxt_update_accum1 += i1.sfxt_update_time;
pfxt_expansion_accum1 += i1.pfxt_expansion_time;
ofs1 << it + 1 << ' ' << i1.full_time * 1e-6 << '\n';

// incremental cpg mode
i2.modify_vertex(vid, 0.025f);
i2.report_incremental(k, true, false, false);
c2 = i2.get_path_costs();
sfxt_update_accum2 += i2.sfxt_update_time;
pfxt_expansion_accum2 += i2.pfxt_expansion_time;
ofs2 << it + 1 << ' ' << i2.incremental_time * 1e-6 << '\n';

for (size_t i = 0; i < k; i++) {
ofsf << c1[i] << '\n';
ofsi << c2[i] << '\n';

std::cout << "avg sfxt update time full = " << (sfxt_update_accum1 * 1e-6) / num_iters << '\n';
std::cout << "avg pfxt expansion time full = " << (pfxt_expansion_accum1 * 1e-6) / num_iters << '\n';
std::cout << "avg sfxt update time inc = " << (sfxt_update_accum2 * 1e-6) / num_iters << '\n';
std::cout << "avg pfxt expansion time inc = " << (pfxt_expansion_accum2 * 1e-6) / num_iters << '\n';

return 0;

Binary file added examples/exp/parallel
Binary file not shown.
188 changes: 158 additions & 30 deletions examples/exp/parallel.cpp
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,15 +1,35 @@
#include <ink/ink.hpp>
#include <filesystem>

const float eps = 0.001f;
bool float_eq(const float f1, const float f2) {
return std::fabs(f1 - f2) < eps;

int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {
if (argc != 5) {
std::cerr << "usage: ./a.out [input] [output] [paths] [num_queues]\n";
if (argc != 12) {
std::cerr << "usage: ./a.out [input] [output] [paths] [num_queues] [num_workers] [bulk_size] [enable_node_redistribution?] [policy=0|1] [overgrow_scalar] [runs] [os=0|1]\n";

tf::Executor executor;
ink::Ink ink_seq, ink_par;
auto k = std::stoi(argv[3]);
auto qs = std::stoi(argv[4]);
auto num_workers = std::stoi(argv[5]);
auto bulk_size = std::stoi(argv[6]);
auto enable_node_redistr = std::stoi(argv[7]);
ink_par.policy = static_cast<ink::PartitionPolicy>(std::stoi(argv[8]));
ink_par.overgrow_scalar = std::stof(argv[9]);
auto runs = std::stoul(argv[10]);
auto o_str = std::stoi(argv[11]);

// set num workers for ink_par

// set bulk size

executor.silent_async([=, &ink_seq] {
ink_seq.read_ops(argv[1], argv[2]);
Expand All @@ -21,38 +41,146 @@ int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {


ink_seq.report_incsfxt(k, false, false);
ink_par.report_incsfxt(k, false, false);

auto old_max_dc = ink_seq.get_path_costs().back();

ink_seq.modify_vertex(127, 0.3f);
ink_par.modify_vertex(127, 0.3f);

auto ts = std::thread::hardware_concurrency();
std::cout << ts << " threads supported.\n";

ink_seq.report_incsfxt(k, false, false);
ink_par.report_multiq(old_max_dc, k, qs, false);

auto costs_seq = ink_seq.get_path_costs();
auto costs_par = ink_par.get_path_costs_from_cq();

std::ofstream ofs1("seq-costs");
std::ofstream ofs2("par-costs");

for (auto c : costs_seq) {
ofs1 << c << '\n';
size_t accum_exp_time_seq{0}, accum_exp_time_par{0};
std::vector<float> costs_seq, costs_par;
float max_accuracy{0.0f}, min_accuracy{100.0f}, accum_accuracy{0.0f};

auto ins_pts_seq = ink_seq.find_chain_edges();
auto ins_pts_par = ink_par.find_chain_edges();
std::deque<std::string> bnames_seq;
std::deque<std::string> bnames_par;

for (size_t i = 0; i < runs; i++) {
std::cout << "==== run " << i << " ====\n";
ink_seq.report_incsfxt(k, false, false);
costs_seq = std::move(ink_seq.get_path_costs());
auto old_max_dc = costs_seq.back();
auto old_min_dc = costs_seq.front();

// pick up a vertex and modify
const size_t range_min = 0;
const size_t range_max = ink_seq.num_verts() - 1;
std::random_device rng_dev;
std::mt19937 gen{rng_dev()};
std::uniform_int_distribution<size_t> distr(range_min, range_max);
auto vid = distr(gen);
ink_seq.modify_vertex(vid, -0.3f);
ink_par.modify_vertex(vid, -0.3f);
std::cout << "modify weights of vid=" << vid << '\n';

// grab an edge, create a buffer name
// and insert buffer
auto& e_s = ins_pts_seq.back().get();
auto& e_p = ins_pts_par.back().get();
auto bname = "BUFF." +;
ink_seq.insert_buffer(bname, e_s);
ink_par.insert_buffer(bname, e_p);
// store bname, for later buffer removal
std::cout << "insert " << bname << '\n';

//auto& r = bnames.front();
//if (i > 3 && r != bname) {
// // start removing inserted buffers
// ink_seq.remove_buffer(r);
// ink_par.remove_buffer(r);
// std::cout << "remove " << r << '\n';
// bnames.pop_front();
// bnames.pop_front();

ink_seq.report_incsfxt(k, false, false);
ink_par.report_multiq(old_max_dc, old_min_dc, k, qs, false, enable_node_redistr, false);

// accumulate pfxt expansion time
accum_exp_time_seq += ink_seq.pfxt_expansion_time;
accum_exp_time_par += ink_par.pfxt_expansion_time;

for (auto c : costs_par) {
ofs2 << c << '\n';
costs_seq = std::move(ink_seq.get_path_costs());
costs_par = std::move(ink_par.get_path_costs_from_cq());

// measure accuracy
size_t j{0};
for (; j < costs_seq.size(); j++) {
if (!float_eq(costs_seq[j], costs_par[j])) {
std::cout << "mismatch at [" << j << "].\n";
std::cout << "seq-cost=" << costs_seq[j] << '\n';
std::cout << "par-cost=" << costs_par[j] << '\n';
std::cout << "diff=" << std::fabs(costs_seq[j] - costs_par[j]) << '\n';
auto accuracy = static_cast<float>(j) * 100.0f / costs_seq.size();
//std::cout << "accuracy of run " << i << " is "
// << accuracy << " %\n";
max_accuracy = std::max(max_accuracy, accuracy);
min_accuracy = std::min(min_accuracy, accuracy);
accum_accuracy += accuracy;

// output pfxt expansion runtime
std::cout << "seqen. pfxt expansion time=" << ink_seq.pfxt_expansion_time << '\n';
std::cout << "paral. pfxt expansion time=" << ink_par.pfxt_expansion_time << '\n';
auto seq_rt = static_cast<float>(accum_exp_time_seq) / runs;
auto par_rt = static_cast<float>(accum_exp_time_par) / runs;

auto out_stats = [&](std::ostream& os) -> void {
os << "avg_seq_rt " << seq_rt * 1e-6 << '\n';
os << "avg_par_rt " << par_rt * 1e-6 << '\n';
os << "speedup " << seq_rt / par_rt << '\n';
os << "avg_acc " << accum_accuracy / runs << '\n';
os << "min_acc " << min_accuracy << '\n';
os << "max_acc " << max_accuracy << '\n';

// report.csv row format:
// benchmark |V| |E| #paths #Q #W bulk_sz node_redistr? part_policy avg_seq_rt avg_par_rt
// speedup min_acc max_acc avg_acc
auto write2rpt = [&](std::ostream& os) -> void {
os << argv[1] << ',';
os << ink_par.num_verts() << ',';
os << ink_par.num_edges() << ',';
os << k << ',';
os << qs << ',';
os << num_workers << ',';
os << bulk_size << ',';
os << enable_node_redistr << ',';
if (ink_par.policy == ink::PartitionPolicy::EQUAL) {
os << "EQUAL,";
else if (ink_par.policy == ink::PartitionPolicy::GEOMETRIC) {
os << "GEO,";
os << seq_rt * 1e-6 << ',';
os << par_rt * 1e-6 << ',';
os << seq_rt / par_rt << ',';
os << min_accuracy << ',';
os << max_accuracy << ',';
os << accum_accuracy / runs << '\n';

if (o_str == 0) {
// output to file
std::ofstream ofs("stats.out");
else if (o_str == 1) {
// output to std::cout

std::ofstream ofs_rpt;
if (!std::filesystem::exists("report.csv")) {
std::cout << "first time creating report.\n";"report.csv", std::ios::app);
ofs_rpt << "benchmark,|V|,|E|,paths,#Q,#W,bulk_size,node_redistr?,partition_policy,seq_runtime,par_runtime,speedup,min_acc,max_acc,avg_acc\n";
else {"report.csv", std::ios::app);

return 0;
Binary file added examples/exp/single-iter
Binary file not shown.
37 changes: 37 additions & 0 deletions examples/exp/single-iter.cpp
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
#include <ink/ink.hpp>

int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {
if (argc != 5) {
<< "usage: ./Ink [graph_ops_file] [output_file] [#paths] [mode]\n";

ink::Ink ink;
ink.read_ops(argv[1], argv[2]);
size_t k = std::stoul(argv[3]);
size_t mode = std::stoul(argv[4]);

std::cout << "# paths = " << k << '\n';

ink.report_incsfxt(k, true, false);

std::uniform_int_distribution<size_t> distr(0, ink.num_verts() - 1);
size_t vid = distr(ink.rng);

if (mode == 0) {
// full cpg mode
ink.modify_vertex(vid, 0.025f);
ink.report_rebuild(k, false);
else {
// incremental cpg mode
ink.modify_vertex(vid, 0.025f);
ink.report_incremental(k, true, false, false);

return 0;

40 changes: 40 additions & 0 deletions experiment/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
# benchmarks
declare -a benchmarks=("../benchmarks/leon2_iccad.edges" "../benchmarks/leon3mp_iccad.edges" "../benchmarks/netcard_iccad.edges")
rm *out
mv report.csv report_old.csv

for b in "${benchmarks[@]}"
for k in 1000000 2000000 3000000
for qs in 40 80 120 160
for ws in 4 8 12 16
for bs in 1 2 4
for node_distr in 0 1
for policy in 0 1
# echo "command: $b $k $qs $ws $bs $node_distr $policy"
echo "benchmark=$b"
echo "num paths=$k"
echo "num queues=$qs"
echo "num workers=$ws"
echo "bulk size=$bs"
echo "enable node redistr=$node_distr"
echo "partition policy=$policy"
./parallel $b out $k $qs $ws $bs $node_distr $policy 1.0 $runs 1



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