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Program for positive genetic identification and IBD detection from low-coverage sequencing data


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IBDGem is an identity analysis tool designed to work with low-coverage sequencing data. The program compares sequence information from a poor sample (such as a forensic or ancient specimen) to genotype information from one or more samples generated independently via deep sequencing or microarrays. At each biallelic SNP, IBDGem calculates the probability of observing the sequencing data given that they come from an individual who has 0, 1, or 2 identical-by-descent chromosomes with the person providing the genotypes. In other words, the program evaluates the likelihood that the genotypes' source individual could also have generated the DNA sample of interest.

Table of Contents


To compile

After downloading the latest package from Releases, extract the source code file. Then, navigate to the resulting IBDGem directory and type:


Add the IBDGem directory to your $PATH with:

export PATH=$(pwd):$PATH

Separate modules can also be compiled individually by typing:

make [module_name]

For example, to compile the hiddengem module, type:

make hiddengem

To remove object files and executables

In the IBDGem main directory, type:

make clean



The main program (ibdgem.c) calculates likelihoods of IBD states at each SNP. Two types of input are required:

  1. Pileup file containing sequence information of the unidentified sample.
  2. A VCF or 3 files in the IMPUTE reference-panel format (with extensions .hap, .legend, and .indv) containing genotype data from a single or multiple test individuals.

The Pileup file can be generated from a BAM file with samtools:

samtools mpileup --output-MQ --output [out.pileup] [in.bam]

Using IMPUTE format has the advantage of being able to first filter genotypes by various metrics through vcftools before inputting to IBDGem if desired. The program also runs faster on IMPUTE files. The 3 IMPUTE files can be generated from a VCF file with:

vcftools  [ --vcf [in.vcf] | --gzvcf [in.vcf.gz] ] \
          --max-alleles 2 --min-alleles 2 \
          --max-missing 1 \
          --out [out-prefix] \

If, instead of a VCF or IMPUTE files, you have a general format genotype file with 4 columns: rsID, chrom, allele1, allele2, you can use the script included in this repository to first convert the genotype file to VCF format (see the Auxiliary files section).

Linkage disequilibrium (LD) mode

Starting from version 2.0, IBDGem provides an option (--LD) to take linkage disequilibrium among alleles into account when calculating the likelihood of the IBD0 and IBD1 models. To do this, the program uses phased genotypes from a reference set of samples, which consists of either all samples from the VCF/IMPUTE files (default) or a specific subset of those samples specified via --background-list. For IBD0, IBDGem will then compare the Pileup data against the genotypes of these background individuals and take the average to be the likelihood of the data under the IBD0 model, over a genomic segment (determined via --window-size). For IBD1, IBDGem creates a pseudo diploid genotype by combining one haplotype from the target individual and one haplotype from each individual in the reference panel, over a genomic segment, then compares the Pileup data against these pseudo genotypes, taking the average over all possible pseudo genotype combinations (4 combinations per reference individual) to be the likelihood of the IBD1 model under LD.

The program can be run by customizing the general command:

ibdgem [--LD] -H [hap-file] -L [legend-file] -I [indv-file] -P [pileup-file] [other options...]


ibdgem [--LD] -V [vcf-file] -P [pileup-file] [other options...]

Important Notes:

  1. IBDGem is designed to be run on data from one chromosome at a time. If your VCF contains multiple chromosomes, it should be split into single-chromosome files (e.g., using vcftools with --chr option) before being used as input. Similarly, IMPUTE-format files should also be single-chromosome. The Pileup file doesn't need to be divided, simply specify the chromosome you want to run on via the --chromosome/-c option in the IBDGem command.

  2. IBDGem will skip sites where the genotype is missing (./.) for any of the samples in the genotype input. To maximize the number of compared sites per sample, either impute the missing sites or subset the VCF by sample, then supply a separate allele frequency file with 3 columns: CHR, POS, FREQ (no header) through the --allele-freqs/-A option. This is so that the program can use the provided allele frequencies in its calculations instead of having to estimate them from the genotypes in the VCF.

  3. By default, IBDGem will infer allele frequencies using the genotypes of all individuals in the VCF/IMPUTE files. This, however, can lead to decreased accuracy in likelihood calculation if the number of individuals is small (i.e. fewer than 50). Thus, it is recommended in this case that the user provides allele frequencies calculated from a larger reference panel (such as the 1000 Genomes) in a separate file via the --allele-freqs option. This is important when running the program under the regular, non-LD mode, where likelihoods of the IBD0 & IBD1 models are calculated on a per-site basis rather than per-haplotype and are thus more dependent on allele frequencies. Similarly, in LD mode, it is important to provide at least 50 samples as reference genotypes to accurately model the IBD0 & IBD1 states.

  4. When running IBDGem under LD mode, it is important to make sure that the genotype individuals that are used as background are unrelated to each other and to the Pileup individual. If there is any relatedness, the IBD0 likelihoods will be inflated and LLR(IBD2/IBD0) will be reduced. In the case that you have a VCF file with several subject individuals that you want to compare the Pileup data to and a number of reference individuals that you want to use for background model calculation, you can explicitly specify the list of subject individuals via --sample-list and the background individuals via --background-list. On the other hand, if you have only one subject individual and multiple reference individuals in the VCF, and the Pileup data is suspected to be from that one subject individual, you can set the Pileup sample name to be the same as the VCF ID of the subject individual via --pileup-name, and the program will automatically use all other samples in the VCF as background, without having to explicitly specify them with --background-list.

  5. For relatedness detection under LD mode, it is required that the genotypes in the reference panel and of the target individual are phased since the calculation of IBD1 involves combining phased haplotypes. This, however, is not necessary for direct comparison cases (self-vs-self or self-vs-random) as IBD0 calculation under LD does not use phased information.

  6. In converting between VCF and IMPUTE, because the --IMPUTE argument in vcftools requires phased data, but IBDGem does not need phase information, one can superficially modify the VCF to change the genotype notation (A0/A1 to A0|A1) with the bash command:

sed "/^##/! s/\//|/g" unphased.vcf > mockphased.vcf

The resulting VCF file can then be converted to IMPUTE normally with vcftools --IMPUTE.


IBDGem generates 2 tab-delimited files:

  1. Table file (*.tab.txt) with information about each site in the following fields: CHR, rsID, POS, REF, ALT, AF, DP, SQ_NREF, SQ_NALT, GT_A0, GT_A1, LIBD0, LIBD1, LIBD2. Each row corresponds to a single SNP, and the last 3 columns correspond to the likelihoods of model IBD0, IBD1, and IBD2, respectively (these likelihoods are NOT calculated under LD mode, even with --LD option specified).
  2. Summary file (*.summary.txt) with information about each genomic segment in the following fields: SEGMENT, START, END, LIBD0, LIBD1, LIBD2, NUM_SITES. START and END correspond to the physical coordinates of the first and last SNP in the segment, respectively. NUM_SITES corresponds to the number of SNPs within the segment over which the likelihoods for models IBD0, IBD1, and IBD2 are aggregated, which can be set using --window-size when running IBDGem (these likelihoods would be calculated under LD mode if --LD option was specified).

From these files, the log-likelihood ratio (LLR) between any two models at any given site/segment can be calculated. For example, in the special case of determining whether the sequence data derives from the same individual as the genotype data versus the model of it coming from an unrelated individual, we simply generate LLRs between the IBD2 and IBD0 models.

Example run

In the supplementary directory, you will find the ibdgem-test folder with a test suite of inputs and outputs for test-running the program. The IMPUTE files contain genotype data at 200 SNP sites for 3 samples: sample1, sample2, and sample3. The test1.pileup, test2.pileup, and test3.pileup files contain the corresponding sequence data.

To perform a test run, for example to compare the sequence data in test1.pileup to the genotype data of all 3 samples in the IMPUTE files, type:

./ibdgem -H test.hap -L test.legend -I test.indv -P test1.pileup -N sample1

This will generate 3 output tables for the pairwise comparisons of sample1-vs-sample1/sample2/sample3, in addition to summary files with the aggregated likelihoods over 100-SNP windows for each comparison. You can find these files in output.

Note: In most cases, using the --variable-sites-only/-v option is recommended to exclude uninformative sites.

Main program (ibdgem.c)

Below is the full description of the main program's options:

IBDGem: Compares low-coverage sequencing data from an unknown sample to known genotypes
            from a reference individual/panel and calculates the likelihood that the samples
            share 0, 1, or 2 IBD chromosomes.

Usage: ./ibdgem [--LD] -H [hap-file] -L [legend-file] -I [indv-file] -P [pileup-file] [other options...]
       OR ./ibdgem [--LD] -V [vcf-file] -P [pileup-file] [other options...]
--LD                            Linkage disequilibrium mode ON (default: OFF)
-V, --vcf  FILE                 VCF file (required if using VCF)
-H, --hap  FILE                 HAP file (required if using IMPUTE)
-L, --legend  FILE              LEGEND file (required if using IMPUTE)
-I, --indv  FILE                INDV file (required if using IMPUTE)
-P, --pileup  FILE              PILEUP file (required)
-N, --pileup-name  STR          Name of Pileup sample (default: UNKWN)
-A, --allele-freqs  FILE        File containing allele frequencies from a background panel;
                                   must be sorted & whitespace-delimited with columns CHROM, POS, AF;
                                   use in conjunction with -c if includes multiple chromosomes
                                   (default: calculate AF from input genotypes)
-S, --sample-list  FILE         File containing subset of samples to compare the
                                   sequencing data against; one line per sample
                                   (default: compare against all samples in genotype file)
-s, --sample  STR               Sample(s) to compare the sequencing data against; comma-separated
                                   without spaces if more than one (e.g. sample1,sample2,etc.)
-B, --background-list  FILE     File containing subset of samples to be used as the background panel
                                   for calculating IBD0 and IBD1 in LD mode; one line per sample
                                   (default: use all samples in genotype file as background)
-p, --positions  FILE           List of sites to compare; can be in position list format with 2 columns
                                   CHROM, POS (1-based coordinates) or BED format (0-based coordinates);
                                   use in conjunction with -c if includes multiple chromosomes
                                   (default: perform comparison at all sites)
-q, --min-qual  FLOAT           Genotype quality minimum when using VCF input (default: no minimum)
-M, --max-cov  INT              Maximum estimated coverage of Pileup data (default: 20)
-F, --max-af  FLOAT             Maximum alternate allele frequency (default: 1)
-f, --min-af  FLOAT             Minimum alternate allele frequency (default: 0)
-D, --downsample-cov  FLOAT     Down-sample to this fold-coverage depth
-w, --window-size  INT          Number of sites per genomic segment over which likelihood results
                                   are summarized/aggregated (default: 100)
-O, --out-dir  STR              Path to output directory (default: output to current directory)
-c, --chromosome  STR           Chromosome on which the comparison is done; if not specified,
                                   will assume that all inputs are on one single chromosome
-e, --error-rate  FLOAT         Error rate of sequencing platform (default: 0.02)
-v, --variable-sites-only       If set, make output only for sites that are not
                                   homozygous reference in the genotype file for this sample
-h, --help                      Show this help message and exit

Format of likelihood table is tab-delimited with columns:

Format of summary file is tab-delimited with columns:

Estimating IBD proportions for relatedness detection (hiddengem.c)

The hiddengem module estimates the most likely path of IBD states across genomic regions. It takes in the summary file generated by IBDGem and returns the most likely IBD state at each segment. The total IBD proportions can then be used to infer relatedness between samples.

HIDDENGEM: Finds most probable path of IBD states across genomic segments.

Usage: ./hiddengem -s [summary-file] [other options...] >[out-file]
--summary, -s  FILE      Summary file from IBDGem likelihood calculation (*.summary.txt) (required)
--p01  FLOAT             Penalty for switching between states IBD0 and IBD1 (default: 1e-3)
--p02  FLOAT             Penalty for switching between states IBD0 and IBD2 (default: 1e-6)
--p12  FLOAT             Penalty for switching between states IBD1 and IBD2 (default: 1e-3)
--help                   Show this help message and exit

Format of output table is tab-delimited with columns:
Segment, IBD0_Score, IBD1_Score, IBD2_Score, Inferred_State

Auxiliary files:

The bin directory contains additional Python and Bash scripts for preparing/summarizing IBDGem input/output. The files included are:

Reformats general genotype reports (with tab-delimited columns rsID, chromosome, position, allele1, allele2) to VCF, which can be further converted to IMPUTE via vcftools if desired. Requires reference info file with 4 fields: chromosome, position, reference allele, alternate allele, per line for each SNP (see example info file in supplementary). Converts a tab-delimited genotype file with fields rsID, chrom, pos, allele1, allele2
           (in that order) to VCF format.

Usage: python [genotype-file] [info-file] [sampleID] [out-file]

Summarizes HiddenGem's output from multiple chromosomes and estimates genome-wide IBD0, IBD1, and IBD2 proportions. Takes in a tab-delimited file with 2 columns (no header): CHROM (name of chromosome, with 'chr' prefix) and HIDDENGEM_FILE_PATH (path to HiddenGem output file associated with that chromosome); one line per chromosome/file. See example input file sample1.sample2.hiddengem-list.txt in supplementary. The script produces a file with 8 columns: CHROM, N_SEGMENTS, N_IBD0, N_IBD1, N_IBD2, FRAC_IBD0, FRAC_IBD1, FRAC_IBD2 for each chromosome, in addition to genome-wide statistics. Summarizes HiddenGem outputs and calculates total proportion of the genome
                  shared IBD0, IBD1, and IBD2 between two samples.
Usage: python [-i/--input] hiddengem-file-paths.txt [-o/--output] output-statistics.txt

Calculates aggregated LLRs over whole chromosome arms, excluding centromeric regions. Takes in a tab- delimited file with 2 columns (no header): CHROM (name of chromosome, with 'chr' prefix) and SUMMARY_FILE_PATH (IBDGem-produced summary file associated with that chromosome); one line per chromosome/file. See example input file sample1.sample2.summary-list.txt in supplementary. The reference genome used (hg19 or hg38) is also required via option --build. Note that for acrocentric chromosomes (13, 14, 15, 21, 22), the aggregated LLR values for the p-arm will likely to be NaN because the first segment in the summary file always overlaps with the centromere. These values can thus be ignored. The script produces a file with 5 columns: CHROM, parm_IBD2/IBD0, qarm_IBD2/IBD0, parm_IBD1/IBD0, qarm_IBD1/IBD0. In determining whether the sequence data comes from the same individual or an unrelated person, the chromosome arm with the lowest LLR(IBD2/IBD0) value should be reported. Calculates LLR statistics aggregated over whole chromosome arms,
                 excluding centromeric regions.

Usage: python [-s/--summaries] summary-file-paths.txt [-b/--build] hg19/hg38
                              [-/--out] out-prefix

Generates scatterplots for visualizing chromosome arm LLR statistics. Takes in the output file from and produces two plots: one of LLR(IBD2/IBD0) and one of LLR(IBD1/IBD0). See example plots NA19685.NA19660.IBD2-IBD0.plot.png and NA19685.NA19660.IBD1-IBD0.plot.png in supplementary. Creates LLR(IBD2/IBD0) and LLR(IBD1/IBD0) scatterplots using aggregated
                      chromosome-arm LLR values from

Usage: python [-i/--in] chromosome-arm-llrs.txt [-o/--out] out-prefix

Bash script for running and in one single command, generating a chromosome-arm statistics file and 2 scatterplots. Aggregate IBD2/IBD0 and IBD1/IBD0 LLRs over chromosome arm
                 and generate plots of the resulting statistics.

Usage: ./ -i summary-file-paths.txt -b hg19/hg38 -o out-prefix
-i    Tab-delimited file with 2 columns (no header): CHROM (chromosome name with 'chr' prefix)
      and SUMMARY_FILE_PATH (path to associated summary file). One line per chromosome/summary file.
-b    Reference genome build used (hg19/hg38).
-o    Output prefix for resulting statistics file and plots.
-h    Show help message.

Note: Some Python scripts require the Python libraries pandas and numpy. These libraries can be installed with pip:

pip install pandas
pip install numpy

To install without root access, add the --user argument to the commands above.

For any question about the program or suggestions, please reach out to: