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Chapter 6

Follow the steps below to run the lifecycle manager developed in the previous section.  

1. Edit code
Edit the and update the password to reflect the machines password. 
This is required for the SSH connection. 

2. Build Code
Build all projects by running maven from the root folder (chapter6)
mvn -Dmaven.test.skip=true clean install

3. Run Rabbit MQ. 

4. Update Configuration Repository
Ensure that the Config server point to the right configuration repository. We need to add a property file for the lifecycle manager. 
The sample configuration repository is copies as "chapter6-config-repo". Make sure git repository is created and commited the files.

5. Run below commands from the respective project folders. Make sure, 50-60 seconds gap between each project execusion.
java -jar target/config-server-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar
java -jar target/eureka-server-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar
java -jar target/lifecycle-manager-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar
java -jar target/search-1.0.jar
java -jar target/search-apigateway-1.0.jar
java -jar target/website-1.0.jar

6. Run Client
Once all services are started, open a browser window and load http://localhost:8001
Execute flight search 11 times, one after the other, within a minute. This will trigger the decision engine to instantiate another instance of Search microservice.  
Open Eureka console (http://localhost:8761) and watch for a second SEARCH-SERVICE.