This package has been renamed, and so this version has been deprecated.
Development is continuing under the name @sipcentric/pbx-client, please use that instead.
Node.js client for the Nimvelo/Sipcentric API.
npm install @nimvelo/phone-api-client
const Nimvelo = require("@nimvelo/phone-api-client");
// ...
The techniques shown in these examples work in the same way across the majority of resources. Refer to the API documentation for more information on those specific resources.
The examples below use Promises with async/await, however the library also supports callbacks. To use callbacks, simply pass a callback as the final parameter.
// Using async/await
const customers = await nimvelo.customers.get();
// Using callbacks
nimvelo.customers.get((err, customers) => {
There are further examples in the examples/
directory. To try them, just clone the project, run an install in the project root, then again in the directory of the example you want to run. Finally, run npm start
and the example will run.
const Nimvelo = require("@nimvelo/phone-api-client");
(async () => {
const nimvelo = new Nimvelo({
username: "myusername",
password: "mypassword"
const customers = await nimvelo.customers.get();
const Nimvelo = require("@nimvelo/phone-api-client");
(async () => {
const nimvelo = new Nimvelo({
username: "myusername",
password: "mypassword"
const customerId = 1234;
const customer = await nimvelo.customers.get(customerId);
const Nimvelo = require("@nimvelo/phone-api-client");
(async () => {
const nimvelo = new Nimvelo({
username: "myusername",
password: "mypassword"
const customerId = 1234;
const customer = await nimvelo.customers.get(customerId);
const phonebook = await customer.phonebook.get();
const Nimvelo = require("@nimvelo/phone-api-client");
(async () => {
const nimvelo = new Nimvelo({
username: "myusername",
password: "mypassword"
const customerId = 1234;
const customer = await nimvelo.customers.get(customerId);
const phonebookentry = {
name: "Nimvelo",
phoneNumber: "03301200030",
email: ""
const createdEntry = await customer.phonebook.create(phonebookentry).save();
const Nimvelo = require("@nimvelo/phone-api-client");
(async () => {
const nimvelo = new Nimvelo({
username: "myusername",
password: "mypassword"
const customerId = 1234;
const phonebookentryId = 5678;
const customer = await nimvelo.customers.get(customerId);
const phonebookentry = await customer.phonebook.get(phonebookentryId); = "Updated name";
const savedEntry = await;
const Nimvelo = require("@nimvelo/phone-api-client");
(async () => {
const nimvelo = new Nimvelo({
username: "myusername",
password: "mypassword"
const customerId = 1234;
const phonebookentryId = 5678;
const customer = await nimvelo.customers.get(customerId);
const phonebookentry = await customer.phonebook.get(phonebookentryId);
await phonebookentry.delete();
const Nimvelo = require("@nimvelo/phone-api-client");
const nimvelo = new Nimvelo({
username: "myusername",
password: "mypassword"
});"incomingcall", function(call) {
const Nimvelo = require("@nimvelo/phone-api-client");
const nimvelo = new Nimvelo({
username: "myusername",
password: "mypassword"
const myCustomerId = 1; // Change this to your customer ID
// Returns an array of subscriptions
const subscriptions = await nimvelo.presenceWatcher.subscribe({
customerId: myCustomerId,
targets: ["012345"], // The extensions you'd like to monitor
onStateChange: (extension, newState) => {
console.log(extension); // 012345
console.log(newState); // AVAILABLE, BUSY, or RINGING
const Nimvelo = require("@nimvelo/phone-api-client");
const nimvelo = new Nimvelo({
username: "myusername",
password: "mypassword"
const subscribeToAll = async () => {
const myCustomerId = 1; // Change this to your customer ID
// Get your customer
const customer = await nimvelo.customers.get(myCustomerId);
// Get a list of all regular extensions
const phones = await customer.phones.get();
// Get the ids of each extension
const extensionIds = =>;
// Subscribe to each extension
const subscriptions = await nimvelo.presenceWatcher.subscribe({
customerId: myCustomerId,
targets: extensionIds,
onStateChange: (extension, newState) => {
try {
} catch (err) {
console.error("Error: ", err);