This is an exploration app for Compose Multiplatform UI. Currently this app have Android, iOS and it is 100% Compose UI. For more details on Compose Multiplatform UI visit: The support for iOS on Compose Multiplatform is still in experimental phase. I'll be adding desktop and web versions soon.
The code follows clean architecture approach keeping the data, domain and presentation layer separate.
- Moko for MVVM
- kotlinx coroutines
- ktor (HTTP client)
- Koin (Dependency Injection)
- Jetbrains Compose
- Material Design 3
- SqlDelight for database (both ios and android)
For rest api, I am using NewsAPI
Current supported Platforms are:
- Android
- iOS
Upcoming Supported Platform for this Demo:
- Desktop
- Web
For running the app, you need an api to feed data. For Rest api, I am using NewsAPI. You need to create a free account, get your api key and add it API_KEY in KtorApi class