Model integration with external source term in ww3_ts1 #1351
Dear WW3 team,
I’m attempting to replace the nonlinear interaction source term values in WW3. However, I’m unsure whether it’s possible to incorporate an external nonlinear interaction source term into the WW3 scheme and execute the integrations.
For examplee, I first run the WW3 scheme for a two-time step based on w3snl1md.F90 (DIA), t0 and t1. One of the outputs is the spectrum at t0 and t1. Subsequently, I run it again, but this time, I attempted to replace the nonlinear interaction source term values with custom text file values that are copied from the calculated values in w3snl1md.F90. However, the output spectrum at t1 doesn’t match.
I would greatly appreciate any suggestions you may have.