This is a personal project done for fun and to develop a platform where you can retrieve a principle from the book "How to Win Friends and Influence People" once a week, to put the book's principles into practice every day.
This project is simply a public web interface where it's possible to retrieve a single principle with some little Notions once a week.
The platform contains all the Principles from the book and some notions that refer to the principles.
The platform automatically changes the principle every Monday, with another one chosen randomly.
The platform is very minimal, because the purpose is only to get one single random principle every week, automatically.
The application retrieve information from a MySQL Database.
The whole application is based on PHP, using a single file as template.
The application checks if the weekly principle is already set, if not it generates a query that chooses a random principle from the database and sets it as the weekly principle.
This platform is not yet optimized for Mobile devices.