- Author : Milos Vidojevic
- Verison : 2.1.0
- Date : Jul 2018.
We provide a library for the Matrix RGB Click on our LibStock page, as well as a demo application (example), developed using MikroElektronika compilers. The demo can run on all the main MikroElektronika development boards.
Library Description
Library covers 8 different patterns, from single to 4 panels positioned as square. You can draw images, write text change brightness and write single pixels on the panel.
Key functions :
void matrixrgb_fillScreen( uint16_t color )
- Fill screen with provided colorvoid matrixrgb_drawImage( const uint8_t *img )
- Draw image on screenvoid matrixrgb_writeText( char* text, uint8_t x, uint8_t y )
- Write text on display
Examples Description
Description :
The application is composed of three sections :
- System Initialization : Initializes GPIO pins and SPI bus used for communcation with the click board
- Application Initialization : Initializes driver, reset device and initializes firmware depend on pattern used alongside with fonts
- Application Task (code snippet) : Test of panel brightnes, draws red cross on the panel using pixel write function and finaly displays image on the panel.
Notes :
Use mikroE GLCD Font Creator to create font definition table.
void applicationTask()
uint16_t test;
// Brightness Test
for (test = 5; test < 50; test++)
matrixrgb_setBrightness( test );
Delay_ms( 50 );
for (test = 50; test > 5; test--)
matrixrgb_setBrightness( test );
Delay_ms( 50 );
// Pixel Write Test
matrixrgb_fillScreen( 0x0000 );
for (test = 0; test < 32; test++)
matrixrgb_writePixel( test, test, 0xF100 );
Delay_ms( 100 );
for (test = 32; test > 0; test--)
matrixrgb_writePixel( 31 - test, test, 0xF100 );
Delay_ms( 100 );
// Image Test
matrixrgb_drawImage( &mikroe_logo_32x32_bmp[0] );
Delay_ms( 1000 );
The full application code, and ready to use projects can be found on our LibStock page.
Other mikroE Libraries used in the example:
Additional notes and informations
Depending on the development board you are using, you may need USB UART click, USB UART 2 Click or RS232 Click to connect to your PC, for development systems with no UART to USB interface available on the board. The terminal available in all Mikroelektronika compilers, or any other terminal application of your choice, can be used to read the message.