This is a skunkworks project to make using Git in your Electron application.
To get started: npm install git-kitchen-sink --save
And then reference it in your application:
import { GitProcess, GitError, GitErrorCode } from 'git-kitchen-sink'
const pathToRepository = 'C:/path/to/git/repository/'
GitProcess.execWithOutput([ '--version' ], pathToRepository)
.then(output => {
// TODO: read version
.catch(error => {
// TODO: better error handling
Current features:
- package Git within your application
- make it easy to execute Git commands
- macOS and Window support
Potential Roadmap:
- an API for common Git operations
- Linux support
- handle authentication and environment setup
- ???
After cloning down this repository, bootstrap your environment:
# on Windows
# on macOS
And then you can create the package yourself:
npm pack