A project for CS128H 2021
Mark Zhang (zz91)
A simple multiplayer game server written in rust for the game tic tac toe inspired by Colyseus. The server uses the actor concurrency model powered by Lunatic and the server code will be compiled to WASM for safer sandboxing. Each game room will be handled in a dedicated Lunatic process. State delta will be computed and sent to the client instead of the whole game state using dipa.
- Systems
- object delta (dipa)
- (de)serialization (bincode)
- Lunatic process spawning for each room
- Message passing between processes
- Server Logic
- Room creation, deletion
- Game State Management (in game, gameover)
- Game action handling
- Systems
- Connect to server
- (de)serialization
- display board
- handle keyboard input
- Lunatic is a relatively new runtime so getting it to work with websocket might take some time to figure out
- Handling state changes and serialization using dipa
- Lunatic concurrency runtime
- Lunatic.Chat Lunatic demo chat app
- dipa library for computing and applying object deltas
- Colyseus (a node.js game server) for inspiration