This is a fully functional library system that allows users to browse, borrow, review, and manage books. The platform includes user authentication, book catalog management, and a rating and review system.
Check out the live website here: Library System Website
- Client-Side Code: GitHub Repository
- Server-Side Code: GitHub Repository
- Server-Side Live Link: API Server
- Role: Two roles - admin & user
- Book Browsing: Users can explore different categories of books.
- Book Reviews: Users can leave reviews and ratings for books.
- Book Borrowing: Users can borrow books and manage their borrowing history.
- User Authentication: Secure authentication with Firebase.
- Wishlist Management: Users can add books to their wishlist for future reference.
- Frontend: Next.js, React, Tailwind CSS
- Backend: Django, Django REST Framework
- Authentication: Token-based
- Database: PostgreSQL (Hosted on Railway app)
- React Hot Toast: Used for showing success and error notifications.
- Axios: For making HTTP requests to the server-side API.