is a jQuery plugin that allows you to easily add multiple or single file upload functionality to your website. This plugin uses html5 only.
Some Features include:
- Theming (Twitter Bootstrap ready)
- Set File size limit
- Set File extensions restrictions
- Set custom error messages
- Real-Time Progress Indicators
- And others more...
Do you like this plugin?
- jQuery 1.4.x or greater
- Web browser capable to render HTML5
- If you're using Bootstrap, you will need bootstrap.css from v2.2.x or greater
- A server capable of parsing PHP, ASP.Net, Cold Fusion, or similar server-side language
- Download pekeUpload zip
- Unzip pekeUpload zip
- On the page you are implementing pekeUpload on, add a reference to the CSS style
<link href="" rel="stylesheet">
- Then add a reference to the jQuery library.
<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
- Below the reference to jQuery, add a reference to the pekeUpload script
<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
- On the page, add a file input.
<input id="file" type="file" name="file" />
- Initialize pekeUpload on the file input
Option | Default | Format | Description |
onSubmit | false | true/false | Gives you the option of upload the files when the file is selected or when you submit the form. When is true, you won't be able to upload multiple files |
btnText | "Browse files..." | string | Set the text of the upload button |
url | "upload.php" | string | Set the url of upload script |
theme | "custom" | "custom"/"bootstrap" | Set the theme for the uploader, "custom" if you want to use your custom css, or "bootstrap" if you prefer the Twitter bootstrap-ready functionality |
field | "file" | string | Set the name for the POST data field, this is useful for the server-side script |
data | null | {var1:"value"} | Set POST additional data associated to the file |
multi | true | true/false | Sets if you want multiple file uploads (true) or a single file upload (false) |
showFilename | true | true/false | Sets if you want to show the file name on the uploader queue |
showPercent | true | true/false | Sets if you want to show the percent on the uploader queue |
showErrorAlerts | true | true/false | Sets if you want to show error alerts on the uploader queue |
allowedExtensions | "" | "ext1" | Sets the file extensions allowed to upload |
invalidExtError | "Invalid File Type" | string | Sets the error message when the file has an unsupported extension |
maxSize | 0 | float | Set the file size limit in MB, 0 means no limit |
sizeError | "Size of the file is greather than allowed" | string | Sets the error message when the file is bigger than size allowed |
onFileError | function(file,error){} | function(file,error){} | Event triggered when some error ocurs, returns error (string), file (object). file returns and file.size |
onFileSuccess | function(file,data){} | function(file,data){} | Event triggered when the file has been uploaded succesfully, returns data (string), file (object). file returns and file.size |
The server side script must return '1' when file meets all the server-validations, otherwise print another message and will be showed as an error on the file queue. See (upload.php)