Specific instructions for running each application are included in a README inside each app folder. A description of each application follows:
View a collection of audio samples organized via t-SNE on extracted audio features. Works both on a collection (folder) of individual files, or a single audio file which can is segmented by onsets or beats.
View a collection of audio samples organized via t-SNE on extracted audio features. Works both on a collection (folder) of individual files, or a single audio file which can is segmented by onsets or beats.
(to-do) The same as tSNE-images, but uses ofxCcv and ofxTSNE to do the analysis entirely within openFrameworks.
Send the fc7 activations of a trained convnet over OSC.
View the activations of a trained convnet. In the future, this may be merged with ConvnetOSC as a single application which enables viewing, encoding, sending OSC, and importing image sets.