WFS (WiiU File System) Tools based on wfslib
wfs-extract --help
Usage: wfs-extract --input <input file> --output <output directory> --otp <opt path> [--seeprom <seeprom path>] [--mlc] [--usb] [--dump-path <directory to dump>] [--verbose]
Allowed options:
--help produce help message
--input arg input file
--output arg ouput directory
--otp arg otp file
--seeprom arg seeprom file (required if usb)
--dump-path arg (=/) directory to dump (default: "/")
--mlc device is mlc (default: device is usb)
--usb device is usb
--verbose verbose output
Change the content of files in wfs image. The injected file size must be smaller than the allocated size on the disk. WARNING: May corrupt the file system, Use at your own risk. Make sure to backup the wfs image.
Usage: wfs-file-injector --image <wfs image> --inject-file <file to inject> --inject-path <file path in wfs> --otp <opt path> [--seeprom <seeprom path>] [--mlc] [--usb]
Allowed options:
--help produce help message
--image arg wfs image file
--inject-file arg file to inject
--inject-path arg wfs file path to replace
--otp arg otp file
--seeprom arg seeprom file (required if usb)
--mlc device is mlc (default: device is usb)
--usb device is usb
wfs-fuse --help
usage: wfs-fuse <device_file> <mountpoint> --otp <otp_path> [--seeprom <seeprom_path>] [--usb] [--mlc] [fuse options]
--help|-h print this help message
--otp <path> otp file
--seeprom <path> seeprom file (required if usb)
--usb device is usb (default)
--mlc device is mlc
-d -o debug enable debug output (implies -f)
-o default_permissions check access permission instead the operation system
-o allow_other allow access to the mount for all users
-f foreground operation
-s disable multi-threaded operation
wfs-extract --input mlc.full.img --output dump_dir --otp otp.bin --mlc
(Needed to be run with administrator previliges, so run from privileged command line)
wfs-extract --input \\.\PhysicalDrive3 --output dump_dir --otp otp.bin --seeprom seeprom.bin
You need to replace PhsyicalDrive3 with the correct device, you can figure it out with this PowerShell command
Get-WmiObject Win32_DiskDrive
wfs-file-injector --image usb.img --inject-file --inject-path /usr/title/00050000/101c3500/content/0010/ --otp otp.bin --seeprom seeprom.bin
sudo wfs-fuse /dev/sdb /mnt --otp otp.bin --seeprom seeprom.bin -o default_permissions,allow_other
(Note: In MacOS you must provide "-o default_permissions,allow_other" argument for wfs-fuse)
- Visual Studio 2022 / GCC 12+ / LLVM 13+
- CMake 3.20+
- Ninja
To build:
git clone
cd wfs-tools
git submodule init
git submodule update
cmake --preset default
cmake --build --preset release
Visual Studio contains all the requirements for building You can just open the wfs-tools directory with Visual Studio and build the project
sudo apt-get install git g++ cmake ninja-build pkg-config libfuse-dev
Install Xcode command line tools:
xcode-select --install
brew install cmake ninja pkg-config
brew cask install osxfuse