- display text in I2C LCD1602
- LCD display on/off
- LCD backlight on/off
- LCD display shfit left/right
2020.2 ver 2.0
- add autoaddress() function
- add print() function
- show object in puts() function
2018.2 ver 1.0
- Initial version
LCD1602 | PCF8574A |
RS | P0 |
RW | P1 |
E | P2 |
BackLight | P3 |
Dat | P4-P7 |
PCF8574 | PCF8574A |
0x27 | 0x3F |
turn on LCD -
turn off LCD -
clear display -
0 turn of backlight
1 turn on backlight -
char(ch, x, y)
I2show a character in given position
x, 0-15
y, 0-1 -
puts(s, x, y)
show string/object in given position
x, 0-15
y, 0-1 -
print(s) print to LCD, auto wrap and scroll in line end.
copy mp_i2c_lcd1602.py to pyboard first.
from machine import I2C, Pin
from mp_i2c_lcd1602 import LCD1602
from time import sleep_ms
i2c = I2C(1, sda=Pin(9), scl=Pin(10))
LCD = LCD1602(i2c)
LCD.puts("I2C LCD1602")
From microbit/micropython Chinese community.