SpeechBubble is an iOS View class that incorporates both an arrow and a label view.
It is designed to dynamically adapt its presentation in response to changes in parameters, ensuring a seamless user experience.
SpeechBubble requires iOS 13.0 or later. It depends on the following Apple frameworks:
- Foundaiton
- UIKit
Swift Versions:
- Swift 5
SpeechBubble is available through CocoaPods. To install it, simply add the following line to your Podfile:
pod 'SpeechBubble'
To get the full benefits import SpeechBubble
wherever you import UIKit
import UIKit
import SpeechBubble
Swift Package Manager
SpeechBubble is available through Swift Package Manager.
private let speechBubbleView1 = SpeechBubbleView(text: "test", style: .fill, arrowPosition: .top)
private let speechBubbleView2 = SpeechBubbleView(text: "test", style: .line, arrowPosition: .top, arrowPositionRatio: 0.3)
private let speechBubbleView3 = SpeechBubbleView(text: "test", style: [.fill, .dottedLine], arrowPosition: .top, arrowPositionRatio: 0.3)
private lazy var speechBubbleView4: SpeechBubbleView = {
let view = SpeechBubbleView(text: "test", style: [.fill], arrowPosition: .top)
view.textColor = .black
view.filledColor = .systemYellow
return view
- text: String (Required)
- font: UIFont - default: .systemFont(ofSize: 16, weight: .medium)
- numberOfLines: Int - default: 0
- textAlignment: NSTextAlignment - default: .center
- textColor: UIColor - default: .label
- textInset: CGFloat - default: 16
- filledColor: UIColor - default: .systemGroupedBackground
- borderColor: UIColor - default: .separator
- borderWidth: CGFloat - default: 2
- style: SpeechBubbleStyleOptions (Required)
- Options: fill, line, dottedLine
- Multiple options can be combined, with dottedLine taking precedence over line.
- clipsToBounds: Bool - default: true
- cornerRadious: CGFloat - default: 15
- arrowSize: CGFloat - default: 10
- arrowPosition: SpeechBubbleArrowPosition (Required)
- Options: top, bottom, left, right
- Only one can be selected.
- arrowPositionRatio: CGFloat - default: 0.5
Jeon0976, jsh097610@gmail.com
SpeechBubble is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.