This repository is revised for python 3. This code is from https://github.com/bguillouet/traj-dist.
trajectory_distance is a Python module for computing distances between 2D-trajectory objects. It is implemented in Cython.
9 distances between trajectories are available in the trajectory_distance package.
- SSPD (Symmetric Segment-Path Distance) [1]
- OWD (One-Way Distance) [2]
- Hausdorff [3]
- Frechet [4]
- Discret Frechet [5]
- DTW (Dynamic Time Warping) [6]
- LCSS (Longuest Common Subsequence) [7]
- ERP (Edit distance with Real Penalty) [8]
- EDR (Edit Distance on Real sequence) [9]
All distances but Discret Frechet and Discret Frechet are are available with Euclidean or Spherical option :
Euclidean is based on Euclidean distance between 2D-coordinates.
Spherical is based on Haversine distance between 2D-coordinates.
Grid representation are used to compute the OWD distance.
Python implementation is also available in this depository but are not used within
trajectory_distance is tested to work under Python 2.7 and the following dependencies :
- NumPy >= 1.14.0
- Cython >= 0.27.3
- shapely >= 1.6.4
- Geohash ==1.0
- pandas >= 0.20.3
- scipy >=0.19.1
- A working C/C++ compiler.
This package can be build using distutils
Move to the package directory and run :
python setup.py install
to build Cython files. Then run:
pip install .
to install the package into your environment.
You only need to import the distance module.
import traj_dist.distance as tdist
All distances are in this module. There are also two extra functions 'cdist', and 'pdist' to compute pairwise distances between all trajectories in a list or two lists.
Trajectory should be represented as nx2 numpy array.
See traj_dist/example.py
file for a small working exemple.
Some distance requires extra-parameters. See the help function for more information about how to use each distance.
The time required to compute pairwise distance between 100 trajectories (4950 distances), composed from 3 to 20 points (data/benchmark.csv
) :
Euclidan | Spherical | |
discret frechet | 0.0659620761871 | -1.0 |
dtw | 0.0781569480896 | 0.114996194839 |
edr | 0.0695221424103 | 0.106939792633 |
erp | 0.171737909317 | 0.319380998611 |
frechet | 29.1885719299 | -1.0 |
hausdorff | 0.310199975967 | 0.780081987381 |
lcss | 0.0711951255798 | 0.111418008804 |
sowd grid, precision 5 | 0.164781093597 | 0.159924983978 |
sowd grid, precision 6 | 0.973792076111 | 0.954225063324 |
sowd grid, precision 7 | 7.62574410439 | 7.78553795815 |
sspd | 0.314118862152 | 0.807314872742 |
See traj_dist/benchmark.py
to generate this benchmark on your computer.
- P. Besse, B. Guillouet, J.-M. Loubes, and R. Francois, “Review and perspective for distance based trajectory clustering,” arXiv preprint arXiv:1508.04904, 2015.
- B. Lin and J. Su, “Shapes based trajectory queries for moving objects,” in Proceedings of the 13th annual ACM international workshop on Geographic information systems . ACM, 2005, pp. 21–30.
- F. Hausdorff, “Grundz uge der mengenlehre,” 1914
- H. Alt and M. Godau, “Computing the frechet distance between two polygonal curves,” International Journal of Computational Geometry & Applications , vol. 5, no. 01n02, pp. 75–91, 1995.
- T. Eiter and H. Mannila, “Computing discrete fr ́ echet distance,” Citeseer, Tech. Rep., 1994.
- D. J. Berndt and J. Clifford , “Using dynamic time warping to find patterns in time series.” in KDD workshop, vol. 10, no. 16. Seattle, WA, 1994, pp. 359–370
- M. Vlachos, G. Kollios, and D. Gunopulos, “Discovering similar multi- dimensional trajectories,” in Data Engineering, 2002. Proceedings. 18th International Conference on .IEEE, 2002, pp. 673–684
- L. Chen and R. Ng, “On the marriage of lp-norms and edit distance,” in Proceedings of the Thirtieth international conference on Very large data bases-Volume 30 . VLDB Endowment, 2004, pp. 792–803.
- L. Chen, M. T. ̈ Ozsu, and V. Oria, “Robust and fast similarity search for moving object trajectories,” in Proceedings of the 2005 ACM SIGMOD international conference on Management of data . ACM, 2005, pp. 491–502.