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✨ π•ƒπ•–π•žπ•šπ•Ÿ ℂ𝕒𝕑π•₯𝕔𝕙𝕒 ℝ𝕖𝕧𝕖𝕣𝕀𝕖 ✨

πŸ“ Description πŸ“

In this repository, I will explain how Lemin Captcha works and how they encrypt their payload 'answers' for the captcha. We will analyze code and much more.

❀️ Made By H4cK3dR4Du ❀️

πŸ€·β€β™‚οΈ Issues / Doubts πŸ€·β€β™‚οΈ

πŸš€ Lemin Reverse πŸš€

- Requirements And Files:

  • Download Node here
  • Download Python here

- Lemin-Captcha-Reverse Documentation:


Base 32 is a positional numeral system that uses 32 as its base. It is similar to the Base64 positional numeral system but uses 32 as its base instead of 64. To represent numbers, it uses the 26 uppercase letters A-Z and the six digits 2-7.


Lemin captcha to obtain the 'answer' value in its payload /pre-validate concatenates mouse movements (x, y) encoded using Base32 into a list. Finally, they join all the values together with 'x' in between.


When I say mouse movements I mean where you move the puzzle piece, they calculate the top and margin to get the x, and based on your mouse movement.

Table With Information

Name Type Method
_0x54d4ca Variable It is the solved token (Ex: gAAAAABmhIX-rBgO-grgtR9x8BPoYEyavVpt-Pg2RBp...)
_0x453ccd Variable It is a div where they will gradually include the answers by calculating the movement of your mouse (x, y)
_0xdd66a7 Function It is the function where the 'answer' value is created based on the movements of your mouse
_0x569515 Variable Variable used to accumulate the value of _0x453ccd.getAttribute('value') until reaching the end
_0x5b62e4 Variable This variable contains your actual mouse movements (X)
_0x1b121f Variable This variable contains your actual mouse movements (Y)
_0x8a9741 List List where they store all your encoded mouse movements in base32 (Ex: ['0', 'a', 'cg', '0', '0', 'cg', '0', '0', 'c6', ''])
_0x37f8ea List Temporary list where new mouse events are stored (Ex: ['0', 'a', 'cg', ''])
_0x16c631 Function Function where they join the answer with the solved token once everything is encoded
_0x3eee1b Variable Variable whose value is 32 since it is used in this way: toString(_0x3eee1b) and means that they are passing it to string using base32
_0x16d00f Function Function that is responsible for POST to the Lemin api with the payload built in the variable '_0x3eb0cd'
_0x56c799 Variable This variable is a 2-parameter json containing 'answers' and 'challenge_id', the 2 obtained from const _0x52f99d = _0x5b87cb()

Get Payload

If you want to get the 'answers' parameter to make your own Lemin solver you must first calculate the pos of the photo and use (x, y) with your mouse as Lemin captcha does. Once that's done you can use my code ''

class Variables:
    _0x3eee1b = 32
    _0x29eb83 = ''
    _0x5ae82c = 0
    _0x5b62e4 = 10 # Puzzle Starts at X -> 10
    _0x1b121f = 400 # Puzzle Starts at X -> 400
    _0x272d06 = 'x'
    _0x37f8ea = ['0', 'a', 'cg']
    _0x8a9741 = ['0', 'a', 'cg']
    _0x453ccd = ''
    _0x22bffe = 300
    _0x569515 = ''
    _0x5ab679 = ['1']
    original = ''

class BuildPayload:
    def __init__(self) -> None:
        self.variables = Variables()

    def __encodeMovement__(self, num) -> str:
        chars = '0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuv'
        if num == 0:
            return '0'
        base32 = ''

        while num:
            num, i = divmod(num, 32)
            base32 = chars[i] + base32

        return base32
    def __buildPayload__(self, x_list, y_list) -> str:
        for x, y in zip(x_list, y_list):
            result = self.variables._0x272d06.join(self.variables._0x8a9741) + self.variables._0x29eb83
            self.variables._0x29eb83 += str(self.variables._0x5ae82c) + self.variables._0x272d06 + str(
                self.variables._0x5b62e4) + self.variables._0x272d06 + str(self.variables._0x1b121f) + self.variables._0x272d06

            if self.variables._0x29eb83 != self.variables._0x272d06.join(self.variables._0x37f8ea):
                self.variables._0x453ccd = self.variables._0x272d06.join(
                    self.variables._0x8a9741) + self.variables._0x29eb83

                self.variables._0x569515 += result
                # print("_0x569515 ->", self.variables._0x569515)

                self._0x8a9741 = self.variables._0x569515.split(self.variables._0x272d06)[-(int(self.variables._0x22bffe)):]
                self._0x37f8ea = self._0x8a9741[-(len(self.variables._0x5ab679) * 3 + 1):]
                # print("_0x8a9741 ->", _0x8a9741)
                # print("_0x37f8ea ->", _0x37f8ea)

                x_encoded = self.__encodeMovement__(x)
                y_encoded = self.__encodeMovement__(y)

                # print("Encoded X ->", x_encoded)
                # print("Encoded Y ->", y_encoded)

                self.variables._0x8a9741.extend(['0', x_encoded, y_encoded])

        self.variables.original = self.variables._0x8a9741
    def __makePayload__(self) -> str:
        payload = 'x'.join(self.variables.original)
        return payload

if __name__ == "__main__":
    i = BuildPayload()
    x_list = [10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70]
    y_list = [400, 390, 380, 370, 360, 350, 340, 330, 320]
    i.__buildPayload__(x_list, y_list)
    print("Encoded Mouse Movements _0x8a9741 ->", i.variables.original)
    payload = i.__makePayload__()
    print("Answers Payload ->", payload) 

This code is based on x "moves", and it will build you the payload exactly like Lemin captcha does! You just have to modify it a little and make your own system to calculate the x, y. If you don't know how to do it, give me a tap on my discord and I'll answer you there.

