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Automata Project for 3rd Year

Table of Contents

Get Started

  1. Create a virtual environment python -m venv .env
  2. Activate environment For CMD .env\scripts\activate For bash source .env/bin/activate
  3. Install UwU Console Script Package (below)

UwU Console Script Package

  1. Install the UwU Console Script Package python -m pip install ./packages/uwu

  2. To install | uninstall packages from requirements.txt

uwu install
uwu uninstall
  1. To install | uninstall individual packages
uwu install < package name >
uwu uninstall < package name >
  1. To run all tests uwu test
  2. To run a specific test
uwu test test_*
uwu test *_test
  1. To build UwU IDE uwu build

  2. To run lexer package uwu lexer. Lexed text is in ./files/package-lexer.uwu

  3. To run parser package uwu parser. Parsed text is in ./files/package-parser.uwu

  4. To run analyzer package uwu analyzer. Analyzed text is in ./files/package-analyzer.uwu

  5. To run the compiler package uwu compile. Compiled text is in ./files/packages-compile.uwu

Unit Testing

  1. For unit testing, we'll be using pytest
  2. To create a test file, simply follow these file formats: test_*.py or *
  3. For more information, please refer to the official Pytest documentation

Language Tour

Hello World

All programs must have a mainuwu function

  • must have no arguments
  • must return nothing (aka return type san)
>.< this is a comment

fwunc mainuwu-san() [[
    pwint("hello", "world")~

output: hello world


Printing to console can be done using the builtin pwint function.

  • takes a variable amount of arguments of any type.
  • arguments are separated by space when printed

Taking input from user can be done using the builtin inpwt function.

  • takes one argument only (any type)
  • arg will be printed to the console as the prompt
  • will read user input until the user presses enter.
  • user input will be implicitly converted to the type declared if inpwt() is the right hand side of a declaration/assignment
  • inpwt() can also be a standalone statement, not needing to be on the right hand side of a declaration/assignment
>.< this is a comment

fwunc mainuwu-san() [[
    >.< inpwt is implicitly converted to senpai
    name-senpai = inpwt("what is your first name?: ")~
    pwint("hello", name, "\n")~

    age-chan = 0~
    >.< inpwt is implicitly converted even in assignments
    >.< here, age is still a chan
    age = inpwt("what is your age?: ")~
    pwint(age, "was my age a few weeks ago!\n")~

    >.< inpwt as a standalone statement
    inpwt("Press Enter to exit...")~


what is your name?: uwu
hello uwu

what is your last name?: 1000
1000 was my age a few weeks ago!

Press Enter to exit...

Declaration and Assignment

  1. Variable declarations are in the format: name-type = value~
  2. Assignments are done in the format:name = value~.
global-chan = 99~ 

fwunc mainuwu-san() [[
    >.< this is constant
    num-chan = 1~ 

    >.< reassigning global variable
    global = 0~
    pwint(global, num, global2)~

global2-chan = 2~

output: 0 1 2

Function Declaration and Calling

Function declarations are in the format:
fwunc name-type(param-type, param2-type) [[ ... ]]

>.< this is a comment

fun main-san() [[

>.< args: two chan
>.< returns: chan
fun sum-chan(left-chan, right-chan) [[
    wetuwn(left + right)~

output: 5

Type System

  1. chan: integer
    declaration: aqua-chan = 1~

  1. kun: float
    declaration: shion-kun = 1.0~

  1. senpai: string
    declaration: ojou-senpai = "hi"~
    senpai literals are enclosed in "
    • indexing into a senpai value returns another senpai value
    aqua-senpai = "hello"~
    peko-senpai = aqua[1]~

  1. sama: boolean
    declaration: lap-sama = fax~ (True)
    declaration: lap-sama = cap~ (False)

  1. san: null
    • used for functions that never return anything
    • identifiers that have this type can only have the value nuww (null)
      function declaration: fwunc mainuwu-san() [[ ... ]]
      declaration: aqua-san = nuww~


declare a constant by adding -dono after the type declaration:

  • aqua-chan-dono = 1~ >.< constant int
  • shion-senpai-dono = "hwats!?" >.< constant string~


  1. Classes are user defined types with properties and methods
  2. Format:
cwass CwassName() [[
    fwunc method1-senpai() [[
  1. Declare a variable with a cwass type in this format:
    name-CwassName = CwassName()~
  2. Add constructor parameters to a class by:
cwass CwassName(constructorParam1-chan, constructorParam2-senpai) [[

fwunc mainuwu-san() [[
    >.< all constructors must be initialized
    var-CwassName = CwassName(1, "hello")~
  1. Access properties and methods from a variable using .
cwass CwassName(constructorParam1-chan, constructorParam2-senpai) [[
    fwunc method-senpai() [[
        wetuwn("hello method")~

fwunc mainuwu-san() [[
    var-CwassName = CwassName(1, "hello")~
  1. Inside a class, you do not need self or this to access properties and constructor params. Just use it as normal like so:
cwass CwassName(constructorParam1-chan) [[
    fwunc method1-chan() [[
        wetuwn(property1 + constructorParam1)~

Control Flow


Use iwf, ewse, and ewif for branching. Enclose condition in parentheses

fwunc mainuwu-san() [[
    aqua-chan = inpwt("input a number: ")~
    iwf (aqua > 1) [[
        pwint(aqua, "is less than 1")
    ]] ewse iwf (aqua == 1) [[
    ]] ewse [[
        pwint(aqua, "is more than 1")


input a number: 3
3 is more than 1


While Loop

Execute block of code as long as condition stays true. Format:

fwunc mainuwu-san() [[
    aqua-chan = 0~
    whiwe (aqua < 18) [[
        aqua = inpwt("How old are you?: ")~


How old are you?: 10
How old are you?: -1000
How old are you?: 18

For Loop

Format is:
fow (init~ condition~ update) [[ ... ]]

  • init is the initial value declaration
  • condition is the stop condition of the for loop
  • update is the update assigned to the initial value on each iteration
>.< this is a comment

fwunc mainuwu-san() [[
    >.< print 1 to 3
    fow (i-chan = 1~ i <= 3~ i+1) [[

    >.< keep prompting the user until they type "uwu"
    fow (
        a-senpai = ""~
        a == "uwu"~
        a = inpwt("input owo: ")
    ) [[



'  '
input owo: no
input owo: NO!
input owo: owo



A compiler made to be cute uwu >~<






No packages published
