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Discord Auth is a minecraft plugin for authorizing players through discord.

For minecraft 1.17.x - 1.20.x

Plugin features:

  • does not allow unauthorized players to interact with the world, write a message and execute commands
  • kicks unverified users
  • convenient authorization via discord
  • protection of the player's account from hacking (not counting hacking of the discord account)
  • the speed of the plugin
  • customizing plugin messages
  • support for setting the text color by hex code in game messages

Instructions for configuring the plugin:

  • create a discord bot and copy its token (tutorial)
  • find config.yml and paste the token to bot-token: ""
  • copy the id of the text channel that the discord bot will listen to
  • find config.yml and paste id to channel-id: ""

Instructions for working with the plugin for ordinary users:

  • To add an account, the user must send a message !add <username> from the discord server to a special channel
  • Log in to the minecraft server
  • Discord bot will send a confirmation request to log in to the server. The player must confirm the entry. To confirm the login, you need to react to the message

Plugin commands

Command remove_user:

  • usage: /remove_user <username>
  • description: This command is for deleting a user from the database

Command reload_discordauth:

  • usage: /reload_discordauth
  • description: This command to reload plugin

Discord bot commands

Command add:

  • usage: !add <username>
  • description: add account to database

Command delete:

  • usage: !delete <username>
  • description: delete account from database

Command help:

  • usage: !help
  • description: send info about commands

Example config.yml:

bot-token: ""
# listening channel
channel-id: ""

# the maximum number of accounts that a user can have
max-num-of-accounts: 1
# if true, users can delete their accounts
allow-delete-accounts: false

  type: PLAYING
  text: "minecraft"

# time to log in (time in seconds)
auth-time: 60

Example messages.yml:

# {%username%} - the name of the user who joined

# <c > - specifying the color
# <c0> - black
# <c1> - dark blue
# <c2> - dark green
# <c3> - dark aqua
# <c4> - dark red
# <c5> - dark purple
# <c6> - gold
# <c7> - gray
# <c8> - dark gray
# <c9> - blue
# <ca> - green
# <cb> - aqua
# <cc> - red
# <cd> - light purple
# <ce> - yellow
# <cf> - white

# <# > - specifying the color by hex format
# Example: <#ffffff> - white

# plugin messages
welcome: "Welcome, {%username%} to the server!"

  logged_in: "<c2>Successful login!"
  log_in: "<cc>Login via discord!"

  user_removed: "<ce>{%username%}<cf> was <c4>removed<cf>!"

  logged_in: "<c4>You are already logged in!"
  not_logged_in: "<c4>You are not logged in!"
  not_authorized: "<c4> You are not registered!"
  arguments: "<c4>You forgot arguments!"
  user_not_exist: "<c4>The user by name <ce>{%username%}<c4> does not exist."
  permissions: "<c4>You don't have permissions!"
  timeout: "<c4>Time out!"

# bot messages
  verification_successful: "You have been successfully verified!"
  deletion_successful: "The deletion was successful!"
  authorization: "Confirm the login to your {%username%} account!"
  login: "Login completed successfully!"
  help: "1) !add <username> - create account to database\n2) !delete <username> - delete account from database\n3) !help - bot send help"

  user_exists: "Such a user already exists!"
  enough_accounts: "You have enough accounts!"
  name_no_set: "You forgot to set name! Example: !verify Bob"
  login: "Login was not successful!"
  account_deletion_is_not_allowed: "The administrator has forbidden account deletion!"
  account_owner: "You are not the owners of this account!"
  account_not_exits:  "Account don't exits!"
  not_expected_error: "Something went wrong!"