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Making some robots
Making some robots


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Hi, I'm Clemente Donoso👋

I'm a Robotics Engineer with a passion for developing software for robots. I'm always looking for new challenges and opportunities to learn and grow as a professional. I'm currently working as a Robotics R&D Engineer at INRIA, LARSEN, where I'm developing a asisted teleoperation system for a mobile robot.

🤖 About Me

  • Robotics Engineer with a passion for developing software for robots.
  • Bachelor's Computers Science from UTFSM, Chile.
  • Bacherlor's Electronic Engineer from UC, Chile.
  • ROS Developer with passion for developing software for robots:
    • Teleoperation Systems
    • Autonomous Navigation
    • Computer Vision
    • Machine Learning

🔨 💻 Technology Stack

  • Programming Languages: Python, C++, C, Java, JavaScript.
  • Robotics Frameworks: ROS, Gazebo, OpenCV
  • Web Development: HTML, CSS, JavaScript, React, Node.js, Express.js
  • Databases: MySQL, MongoDB, DynamoDB
  • Tools: Git, Docker, Jira, Confluence, Slack
  • Operating Systems: Linux, Windows

💼 What I'm Working On

In my free time I like to learn new technologies and work on personal projects. Currently, I'm working on:

  • ROS2 Package - Human Point Cloud Segmentation: A ROS2 package that uses the LiDAR data from a mobile robot to segment the point cloud of a human.
  • ROS2 Package - Car Detection: A ROS2 package that uses the LiDAR data from a mobile robot to detect cars.
  • ROS2 Package - GoPro: A ROS2 package that uses the GoPro API to control the camera from a mobile robot.
  • ROS2 Package - SLAM 3D: A ROS2 package that uses the LiDAR, IMU, GPS and camera data from a mobile robot to create a 3D map of the environment.

🤖 Some cool projects I've worked on

  • QG Scout - Autonomous Mobile Robot: Autonomous mobile for geological exploration and environmental sampling. The robot is capable of navigating autonomously in outdoor environments, avoiding obstacles and following a predefined path, while do the sampling in points of interest.

  • CG Scout - Autonomous Mobile Robot: Autonomous mobile robot for conveyor belt inspection. The robot collects images, thermal images and audio data from the conveyor belt, while detecting anomalies and defects in the belt, processing the data in real time and sending the results to the cloud.

📫 How to Reach Me

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