I'm a Software / Hardware Engineer living in the United Kingdom.
I completed a PhD in Reconfigurable Computing at Warwick University's WARC group in 2022.
Previously I was a Senior Engineer at Arribada, developing open, customisable and impact-driven technologies for conservation organisations, working to support the goals of wildlife conservation.
Currently I'm a Staff Developer Experience Engineer at Blues, working to grow our developer community through dev resources, platform experience, tooling and SDKs.
- 🌱 I’m currently working in C (Zephyr RTOS), Golang, and Python
- 👯 I’m looking to collaborate on open source tooling and frameworks for FPGAs & SoCs
- 💬 Ask me about partial reconfiguration, electronics, and programmable logic
- ⚡ Fun fact: I live on a sailing yacht and am circumnavigating the UK