wbm is an unofficial API to send bulk messages in whatsapp.
> npm install wbm
At the beginning it will display a QR Code on terminal, just scan it using whatsapp app.
Your session will be remembered, there is no need to authenticate everytime.
const wbm = require('wbm');
wbm.start().then(async () => {
const phones = ['5535988841854', '35988841854', '5535988841854'];
const message = 'Good Morning.';
await wbm.send(phones, message);
await wbm.end();
}).catch(err => console.log(err));
const wbm = require('wbm');
wbm.start().then(async () => {
const contacts = [
{ phone: '5535988841854', name: 'Bruno', age: 21 },
{ phone: '5535988841854', name: 'Will', age: 33 }
const message = 'Hi {{name}}, your age is {{age}}';
// Hi Bruno, your age is 21
// Hi Will, your age is 33
await wbm.send(contacts, message);
await wbm.end();
}).catch(err => console.log(err));
const wbm = require('wbm');
wbm.start().then(async () => {
const contacts = [
{ phone: '5535988841854', name: 'Bruno', group: 'friend' },
{ phone: '5535988841854', name: 'Will', group: 'customer' }
for (contact of contacts) {
let message = 'hi';
if(contact.group === 'customer') {
message = 'Good morning ' + contact.name;
else if(contact.group === 'friend') {
message = 'Hey ' + contact.name + '. Wassup?';
await wbm.sendTo(contact.phone, message);
await wbm.end();
}).catch(err => console.log(err));
Object containing optional parameters as attribute.
// It will open a browser, return the QR code data as promise and not keep user session
wbm.start({showBrowser: true, qrCodeData: true, session: false})
.then(async qrCodeData => {
console.log(qrCodeData); // show data used to generate QR Code
await wbm.waitQRCode();
// waitQRCode() is necessary when qrCodeData is true
// ...
await wbm.end();
} ).catch(err => { console.log(err); });
Send same message to every phone number.
Array of phone numbers: ['5535988841854', ...].
Array of contacts: [{phone: '5535988841854', name: 'Will', group: 'partner', age: 22', any: 'anything', ...}, ...]
Type: array
Message to send to every phone number.
Text inside curly braces like {{attribute}} will be replaced by the contact object respective attribute.
Type: string
wbm.start().then(async () => {
const contacts = [
{phone: '5535988841854', name: 'Bruno'},
{phone: '5535988841854', name: 'Will'}
await wbm.send(contacts, 'Hey {{name}}');
// Hey Bruno
// Hey Will
await wbm.send(['5535988841854', '5535988841854'], 'Hey man');
// Hey man
// Hey man
await wbm.end();
}).catch(err => { console.log(err); });
Send message to a single phone number. When using wbm.sendTo() make sure to use wbm.end() at the end of wbm.start().
Phone number. Example '5535988841854'.
Type: string
Contact object. Example: {phone: '5535988841854', name: 'Will', group: 'partner'}
Type: object
Message to send to phone number.
Text inside curly braces like {{attribute}} will be replaced by the contact object respective attribute.
Type: string
wbm.start().then(async () => {
await wbm.sendTo({phone: '5535988841854', name: 'Bruno'}, 'Hey {{name}}');
// Hey Bruno
await wbm.sendTo('5535988841854', 'Hey man');
// Hey man
await wbm.end();
}).catch(err => { console.log(err); });
This method must be used at the end of wbm.start() to finish the browser.
wbm is an unofficial solution. It's not recommended using wbm in your company or for marketing purpose.
Feel free to create pull requests. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.