convert docs/marble2_i2c.eps -scale 1330 marble2_i2c.png
before pasting into I2C_MUX.sch
See instructions in
The current QR code string added
to the manufactured boards is
, pointing to this documentation.
This includes Gerbers and BoM files. See
There are two GUI actions that must be performed by hand, before the script can take over.
Besides KiCad itself, this requires installation of KiBoM 1.8.0.
While any KiCad version 5.1.x (x ≥ 5) is likely fine for viewing, and even editing and artifact-generation, we have taken steps to create reproducible fabrication artifacts. This means byte-for-byte identical zip files, independent of which person and computer runs the process. For this to work, you need a specially patched version of KiCad 5.1.8. This
is backported from the fix to KiCad Issue #6553. I personally build from the source tarball in a Debian Buster chroot. If you build KiCad from git sources, you will have to fight the build system to keep the version string (embedded in the fabrication outputs) from identifying itself as "dirty".
We have a somewhat specialized tool for creating an xdc file for this board, based on a netlist file exported from KiCad. In the KiCad (version 5.1.x) schematic GUI (eeschema):
- use menu picks Tools / Generate Netlist File
- OrcadPCB2 tab / Generate Netlist / Save
- result shows up as
- Finally from the command line run "python3"
- result shows up as Marble.xdc