hangman command line game built in ruby
if you don't have ruby installed you can try the game at https://replit.com/@AxtonSmith/hangman#.replit
-use google-10000-english-no-swears as a dictionary file
-randomly load a word between 5 and 12 characters long from the dictionary file
-display a stick figure to represent the number of incorrect guesses left
-display the correct letters and positions of the random word after each guess
-allow player to submit a case insensitive letter and then update display between turns or display loss if out of guesses
-allow player to save the game on each turn
-when the program first loads allow player to choose a save file
-Loaded the dictionary file and created an array out of the words between 5 and 12 letters long then used sample method to choose a random word
-Built method for displaying the hangman with remaining guesses
-Built method to compare the guess against the secret and save the current guesses
-Add game logic to end the game when you win or lose
-Fix guess accepting non alphabet characters and coerced all letters to downcase
-Implement a save feature that serializes the current game state to JSON format
-Built the logic to display and let user choose from one of the save files to load and play from