A Chataigne module maintained by Augmenta
- Start Chataigne
- Right click on the modules panel
- Click on "Get more modules"
- Install the module :)
git clone https://github.com/Augmenta-tech/Augmenta-chataigne-module
in the following directory
- Mac OSX : /Users/Username/Documents/Chataigne/modules
- Windows : C:\Users\Username\Documents\Chataigne\modules
- Linux : /home/Username/Chataigne/modules
Click on code, then "Download ZIP", and unzip it into an "Augmenta" folder in the modules directory
Then restart Chataigne
In Chataigne, the module will appear in an Augmenta submenu alongside the other modules.
This module receives protocol in V2 version, please check this repository : https://github.com/Augmenta-tech/Augmenta-chataigne-module_v1_legacy
Chataigne documentation is here : http://benjamin.kuperberg.fr/chataigne/docs
In Chataigne, click on the "edit" button to modify the script. (javascript) You can also modify the Json module if needed directly from the file.
Fork and submit pull requests! :)
Thanks to BenKuper for his kind support and his awesome open source software.
Thanks to Théoriz studio
Chataigne is opensource you can check it here : https://github.com/benkuper/Chataigne