ℹ️ All solutions are in C++ & are organized topic-wise.
SNo | Name | Difficulty | Question | Solution |
1 | Two Sum | Easy | view | view |
2 | Pascal's Triangle | Easy | view | view |
3 | Pascal's Triangle II | Easy | view | view |
4 | Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock | Easy | view | view |
5 | Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock II | Medium | view | view |
6 | Longest Consecutive Sequence | Medium | view | view |
7 | Majority Element | Easy | view | view |
8 | Majority Element II | Medium | view | view |
9 | Remove Element | Easy | view | view |
10 | 4Sum | Medium | view | view |
11 | Maximum Ascending Subarray Sum | Medium | view | view |
12 | Find the Duplicate Number | Medium | view | view |
13 | Next Permutation | Medium | view | view |
14 | Search in Rotated Sorted Array | Medium | view | view |
15 | Combination Sum | Medium | view | view |
16 | Combination Sum II | Medium | view | view |
17 | Permutations II | Medium | view | view |
18 | Rotate Image | Medium | view | view |
19 | Pow(x, n) | Medium | view | view |
20 | Maximum Subarray | Medium | view | view |
21 | Merge Intervals | Medium | view | view |
22 | Set Mismatch | Easy | view | view |
23 | Set Matrix Zeroes | Medium | view | view |
24 | Palindrome Number | Easy | view | view |
25 | Ugly Number | Easy | view | view |
26 | Ugly Number II | Medium | view | view |
27 | Maximum Length of Pair Chain | Medium | view | view |
28 | Happy Number | Easy | view | view |
SNo | Name | Difficulty | Question | Solution |
1 | Integer to Roman | Medium | view | view |
2 | Roman to Integer | Easy | view | view |
3 | Longest Common Subsequence | Medium | view | view |
4 | Longest Palindromic Subsequence | Medium | view | view |
5 | Minimum Insertion Steps to Make a String Palindrome | Hard | view | view |
6 | Shortest Common Supersequence | Hard | view | view |
7 | Delete Operation for Two Strings | Medium | view | view |
8 | Edit Distance | Hard | view | view |
9 | Wildcard Matching | Hard | view | view |
23 | Distinct Subsequences | Hard | view | view |
SNo | Name | Difficulty | Question | Solution |
1 | Number of Enclaves | Medium | view | view |
2 | Critical Connections in a Network | Hard | view | view |
3 | Word Ladder | Hard | view | view |
4 | Surrounded Regions DFS | Medium | view | view |
5 | Number of Ways to Arrive at Destination | Medium | view | view |
6 | Number of Islands BFS | Medium | view | view |
7 | Number of Islands DFS | Medium | view | view |
8 | Course Schedule | Medium | view | view |
9 | Course Schedule II | Medium | view | view |
10 | Island Perimeter | Easy | view | view |
11 | 01 Matrix | Medium | view | view |
12 | Flood Fill | Easy | view | view |
13 | Is Graph Bipartite BFS | Medium | view | view |
14 | Is Graph Bipartite DFS | Medium | view | view |
15 | Rotting Oranges | Medium | view | view |
16 | Cheapest Flights Within K Stops | Medium | view | view |
17 | Network Delay Time using Bellman Ford | Medium | view | view |
18 | Network Delay Time using Dijkstra | Medium | view | view |
19 | Find the City With the Smallest Number of Neighbors at a Threshold Distance | Medium | view | view |
20 | Most Stones Removed with Same Row or Column | Medium | view | view |
21 | Path With Minimum Effort | Medium | view | view |
22 | Shortest Path in Binary Matrix | Medium | view | view |
23 | Max Area of Island | Medium | view | view |
SNo | Name | Difficulty | Question | Solution |
1 | Fibonacci Number | Easy | view | view |
2 | N-th Tribonacci Number | Easy | view | view |
3 | Climbing Stairs | Easy | view | view |
4 | House Robber | Medium | view | view |
5 | House Robber II | Medium | view | view |
6 | Unique Paths | Medium | view | view |
7 | Unique Paths II | Medium | view | view |
8 | Minimum Path Sum | Medium | view | view |
9 | Minimum Falling Path Sum | Medium | view | view |
10 | Triangle | Medium | view | view |
11 | Cherry Pickup II | Hard | view | view |
12 | Target Sum | Medium | view | view |
13 | Partition Equal Subset Sum | Medium | view | view |
14 | Coin Change | Medium | view | view |
15 | Coin Change II | Medium | view | view |
16 | Longest Common Subsequence | Medium | view | view |
17 | Longest Palindromic Subsequence | Medium | view | view |
18 | Minimum Insertion Steps to Make a String Palindrome | Hard | view | view |
19 | Shortest Common Supersequence | Hard | view | view |
20 | Delete Operation for Two Strings | Medium | view | view |
21 | Edit Distance | Hard | view | view |
22 | Wildcard Matching | Hard | view | view |
23 | Distinct Subsequences | Hard | view | view |
24 | Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock II | Medium | view | view |
25 | Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock III | Hard | view | view |
26 | Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock IV | Hard | view | view |
27 | Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock with Cooldown | Medium | view | view |
28 | Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock with Transaction Fee | Medium | view | view |
29 | Longest Increasing Subsequence | Medium | view | view |
30 | Longest String Chain | Medium | view | view |
31 | Burst Balloons | Hard | view | view |
31 | Min Cost Climbing Stairs | Easy | view | view |
32 | Number of Longest Increasing Subsequence | Medium | view | view |
33 | Minimum Cost to Cut a Stick | Hard | view | view |
34 | Partition Array for Maximum Sum | Medium | view | view |
35 | Largest Divisible Subset | Medium | view | view |
36 | Palindrome Partitioning II | Hard | view | view |
37 | Count Square Submatrices with All Ones | Medium | view | view |
SNo | Name | Difficulty | Question | Solution |
1 | BFS of Graph | Easy | view | view |
2 | DFS of Graph | Easy | view | view |
3 | Print adjacency list | Easy | view | view |
4 | Flood fill Algorithm | Medium | view | view |
5 | Rotten Oranges | Medium | view | view |
6 | Number of Distinct Islands | Medium | view | view |
7 | Bipartite Graph | Medium | view | view |
8 | Detect cycle in a directed graph | Medium | view | view |
9 | Detect cycle in an undirected graph BFS | Medium | view | view |
10 | Detect cycle in an undirected graph DFS | Medium | view | view |
11 | Distance of nearest cell having 1 | Medium | view | view |
12 | Number of Enclaves | Medium | view | view |
13 | Number of Provinces | Medium | view | view |
14 | Replace O's with X's | Medium | view | view |
15 | Word Ladder I | Hard | view | view |
16 | Word Ladder II | Hard | view | view |
17 | Topological sort | Medium | view | view |
18 | Eventual Safe States | Medium | view | view |
19 | Course Schedule | Medium | view | view |
20 | Alien Dictionary | Hard | view | view |
21 | Shortest Distance in a Binary Maze | Medium | view | view |
22 | Path With Minimum Effort | Medium | view | view |
23 | Number of Ways to Arrive at Destination | Medium | view | view |
24 | Minimum Multiplications to reach End | Medium | view | view |
25 | Implementing Dijkstra Algorithm using set | Medium | view | view |
26 | Implementing Dijkstra Algorithm using priority queue | Medium | view | view |
27 | Cheapest Flights Within K Stops | Medium | view | view |
28 | Floyd Warshall | Medium | view | view |
29 | Minimum Spanning Tree using Prims Algorithm | Medium | view | view |
30 | Distance from the Source (Bellman-Ford Algorithm) | Medium | view | view |
31 | Find the number of islands using DFS | Medium | view | view |
32 | Alex Travelling using Bellman Ford | Medium | view | view |
33 | Alex Travelling using Dijkstra | Medium | view | view |
34 | Disjoint set (Union-Find) | Easy | view | view |
35 | Strongly Connected Components (Kosaraju's Algo) | Medium | view | view |
36 | Connecting the graph | Medium | view | view |
37 | Number of Provinces using Disjoint Set | Medium | view | view |
38 | Minimum Spanning Tree using Kruskal Algorithm | Medium | view | view |
39 | City With the Smallest Number of Neighbors at a Threshold Distance | Medium | view | view |
SNo | Name | Difficulty | Question | Solution |
1 | Subset Sum Problem | Medium | view | view |
2 | Perfect Sum Problem | Medium | view | view |
3 | 0 - 1 Knapsack Problem | Medium | view | view |
4 | Knapsack with Duplicate Items | Easy | view | view |
5 | Rod Cutting | Medium | view | view |
6 | Longest Common Subsequence | Medium | view | view |
7 | Longest Common Substring | Medium | view | view |
8 | Longest Palindromic Subsequence | Medium | view | view |
9 | Shortest Common Supersequence | Medium | view | view |
10 | Form a palindrome | Medium | view | view |
11 | Minimum number of deletions and insertions | Easy | view | view |
12 | Edit Distance | Medium | view | view |
13 | Wildcard Pattern Matching | Medium | view | view |
14 | Longest Bitonic subsequence | Medium | view | view |
15 | Burst Balloons | Hard | view | view |
16 | Matrix Chain Multiplication | Hard | view | view |
17 | Boolean Parenthesization | Hard | view | view |
18 | Palindromic Partitioning | Hard | view | view |
19 | Partition Array for Maximum Sum | Medium | view | view |
SNo | Name | Difficulty | Question | Solution |
1 | Longest Common Subsequence | Medium | view | view |
2 | Longest Common Substring | Medium | view | view |
3 | Longest Palindromic Subsequence | Medium | view | view |
4 | Shortest Common Supersequence | Medium | view | view |
5 | Form a palindrome | Medium | view | view |
6 | Minimum number of deletions and insertions | Easy | view | view |
7 | Edit Distance | Medium | view | view |
8 | Wildcard Pattern Matching | Medium | view | view |