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🌟 About Me

  • πŸ”­ Currently Exploring: Interning at WinsomeMinds, where I’m contributing to innovative web development projects using the MERN stack.

  • 🌱 Always Learning: Diving deeper into Java, DSA, and MERN Stack to enhance my problem-solving and full-stack development skills.

  • πŸ’¬ Let’s Talk About: Web development, coding best practices, responsive design, and tools like HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and TailwindCSS.

  • 🎯 Goals: 🌐 To master backend optimization, build scalable applications, and explore cloud computing technologies.

  • πŸ“« How to reach me : Check out my Portfolio or connect with me on LinkedIn.

  • ⚑ Fun fact : πŸ”₯My keyboard might type console.log() more than "hello," but it speaks the language of innovation fluently! πŸ’»

Connect with me

ahmad_anamuddin anamuddinahmad Γ₯Γ±Γ₯m Γ₯lΓ― official_anam_ali anamuddinahmad01 anamuddinahmad anamuddinahmad

Language and Tools

HTML5 CSS3 JavaScript Java Mongodb Express React React Router React Hook Form Redux Node Bootstrap Tailwind Wordpress Visual Studio Code Canva Figma Postman NPM Nodemon SASS SQLite MySQL MicrosoftSQLServer Canva Docker AWS GitHub Git Next.js EJS TypeScript Dotenv MongoDB Atlas pnpm Prisma PostgreSQL Drizzle Ubuntu Hoppscotch Material UI SachaDchien UI WebRTC Socket.IO Redis Clerk PostgreSQL React-Toastify Serverless Husky ESLint Prettier JSON Bun ChatGPT EDA CI/CD Microservices PHP DOCKER

πŸ“ˆ GitHub Stats

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Ashutosh's github activity graph


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